Archive for June, 2017

How Voice Search Will Impact Your SEO, PPC & Social Strategies


How can you plan, act, and report on voice search? Get ready by incorporating these real-world strategies today

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How Can I Drive Traffic to an Existing Site? #AskanSEO by @jennyhalasz


Five ways to get the ball rolling for a website that has never been penalized, but has no traffic.

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How SEO & UX Work Together to Drive Your Business by @CJGiarratana


How to combine the benefits of SEO and UX to improve your online presence, drive qualified traffic, and increase sales. The post How SEO & UX Work Together to Drive Your Business by @CJGiarratana appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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CMWorld Interview: International Marketer Ian Cleary Talks Technology & Engaged Online Audiences


Successful marketers aren’t born overnight. It takes grit, determination and hard work to navigate your way from noob to expert. Additionally, the experiences that you have and the lessons you learn outside of the marketing field can impact how you look at and approach your marketing.

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Test: Google Hotel Price Slider With Hotel Price Graph


Google doesn’t stop doing these local, espesially hotel specific tests. This one shows the price slide filter but with a graph overlay of the prices of the hotels on the graph…

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Bing Visual Search


Earlier this month, Bing announced a new feature within image search to do visual searches based on selecting portions of an image that comes up in your image search results…

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Bing Ads: Opt Out of Displaying Ads on Desktop by @MattGSouthern


Bing Ads has rolled out an adjustment to its Device Targeting capabilities. The post Bing Ads: Opt Out of Displaying Ads on Desktop by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Google Explains What Near Duplicate Content Is


Google’s Gary Illyes explained what he meant is the term “near duplicate content.” Gary posted it on Twitter saying near duplicate content can be thought of as “a piece of content that was slightly changed…

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How to Measure Performance with Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics [Tutorial]


Posted by tombennet Data-driven marketing means understanding what works. This means not only having accurate data, but also having the right data. Data integrity is obviously critical to good reporting, but Analytics auditing shouldn’t focus solely on the validity of the tracking code.

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