I cannot replicate this, but I suspect certain level Google Local Guides are being asked to upload specific photos to local businesses they are viewing.
I cannot replicate this, but I suspect certain level Google Local Guides are being asked to upload specific photos to local businesses they are viewing. Here is a screen shot from Carrie Hill where she is being asked to upload a photo of food to this Starbucks local panel.
Frédéric Dubut from Bing’s search team said on Twitter that if you create a specific robots.txt directive for Bingbot, their crawler, then Bing will only look at that specific section. So you should make sure that when you do that, copy all the directives from the default to the Bingbot section that you want Bing to comply with
Two SEOs from India noticed and told me about Google showing them a new blue bar under some of the featured snippets that let them give Google feedback about that specific featured snippet.
Google’s John Mueller responded to a question on Twitter around having too many internal links with repeated links to the same page. John implied that it doesn’t hurt for you to link naturally internally to your pages.
Earlier this week we reported how one Google My Business listing added unicode like text to their business name listing and it shows up all funky and cool in the local panel. Well, now it is gone – it no longer shows up as unicode.
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
Craig Mount posted a detailed analysis of a Yelp update being named the Ghost update over at Search Engine Land. In short, sometime around October, Halloween time, Yelp dropped tons of reviews in their results and in some cases, it ended up listing them as “not recommended.”