Archive for April, 2020

Google My Business Launches New Post Type for COVID-19 Related Announcements via @MattGSouthern


Google My Business listings now have access to a new type of post designed for announcements related to COVID-19. The post Google My Business Launches New Post Type for COVID-19 Related Announcements via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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What location data can tell us about the COVID-19 pandemic


Tools used for ad analytics can provide enormous social insights and even speed recovery, but they require clear safeguards. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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People Search Visually In Google Images But The Image Is Not What They Are Looking For


Google’s John Mueller said that many people use Google Images to search visually but what they are looking for is not the image but rather something else. He said on Twitter “Lots of people search visually in Google Images, and the image is just a snippet for the result, it’s not the thing they’re looking for.”

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Video: 8 takeaways for B2B advertisers in the time of COVID-19


B2B marketers are facing particular challenges during this time with disruption to analytics, audiences and ABM programs and supply chains. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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April 2020 Google Webmaster Report


Well, it has been an interesting month to say the least. I mean, tons of COVID-19 related changes have been made to Google search and local – tons..

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Why Google Search Console & Google Analytics Data Never Matches via @


That data disparity between Google Search Console and Google Analytics is actually by design. Let’s dig into the details. The post Why Google Search Console & Google Analytics Data Never Matches via @ appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Native Advertising: An Introduction for PPC Marketers via @christijolson


Discover what native advertising is and why PPC marketers should consider running native ad campaigns. The post Native Advertising: An Introduction for PPC Marketers via @christijolson appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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The Importance of Dynamic Rendering with Geoff Atkinson [PODCAST]


Geoff Atkinson talks about dynamic rendering, how it helps search engines index JavaScript websites faster, and more. The post The Importance of Dynamic Rendering with Geoff Atkinson [PODCAST] appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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5 Ways SEO Can Shine a Light on Your Unseen B2B Content


“Look, marketers. Everywhere the light touches is content beloved by customers.” “But what about that shadowy place over there?” “That’s our unseen content. We worked hard to create it, but nobody ever visits it.” “That’s really depressing.” “That’s life.” Okay, sorry to bring the room down

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