Google Search Console, in the old version, has a feature for international targeting. It lets you communicate to Google that your site is more relevant in a specific region
Google Search Console, in the old version, has a feature for international targeting. It lets you communicate to Google that your site is more relevant in a specific region
Gary Illyes from Google hinted he might consider deprecating the URL parameters tools in Google Search Console. He said on Twitter “maybe we should deprecate that cannon” when Glenn Gabe asked him “you said to be careful with the url params tool in GSC, because you can blow off your leg with that cannon”
Google announced it is retiring the Ad Balance slider tool from Google AdSense. This tool that launched in January 2017 is going away on May 20, 2020
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…
SEMRush shared a screen shot of a Google Product Listing Ads unit that has with it an organic snippet listing right below it. It is unusual, might be a bug, might be some sort of Google user interface test
Google has launched a new tool designed to help marketers keep up with which products are in high demand amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The post Google Reveals the Fastest Growing Product Categories in Search Results via @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
There has been some speculation that whenever there is a Google core update that Search Console’s reporting and data begin to lag and slow. I have not seen too many theories floating around like this but even so, John Mueller of Google said that any data slowness or lag in Search Console would be unrelated to core updates
This week on Marketing O’Clock, the team discusses Google’s May 2020 core update, new customer acquisition goals for Smart Shopping campaigns, and more. The post Google’s Core Update & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST] via @shepzirnheld appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
The new Pinterest app on Shopify is now available in the U.S. and Canada. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article
You have to invest real time into earning links from high-authority sites by doing your own research and digital public relations.