Archive for September, 2020

6 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was New to PPC via @LisaRocksSEM


Are you new to PPC? This exciting area of marketing is constantly growing and changing

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Inside Influence: Rani Mani from Adobe on the B2B Influencer Marketing Advantage


On the heels of the release of the 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report and the announcement that several of our clients (LinkedIn and Alcatel Lucent Enterprise) have won awards for B2B influencer marketing campaigns , I am very happy to share the launch of a new video interview series: Inside Influence: Interviews with B2B Influencer Marketing Insiders . What is Inside Influence? This is a show that goes behind the scenes of B2B influencer marketing and showcases conversations with insiders from the world of B2B influencer marketing

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How to audit sites inside corporate networks


Turn private (VPN required) URLs into temporary ones that allow for page changes but hide the content to preserve its privacy. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Microsoft Advertising adds brand safety with IAS partnership


Audience Network ads will be blocked from pages deemed to have moderate or high brand risk. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Social Shorts: Facebook’s 20% rule, Pinterest Story Pins, Reddit brand safety options


The social media marketing week in review: A round up of news and announcements you may have missed. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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How to Detect and Improve Underperforming Content: A Guide to Optimization


Posted by SamuelMangialavori Content, content, and more content! That’s what SEO is all about nowadays, right?

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Programming Note: Offline Monday For Yom Kippur 5781


This is just a programming note that I will be 100% offline starting Sunday night (September 27th) through Monday night (September 28th) for Yom Kippur.

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Were There Google Search Canonical URL Issues Around September 23rd?


Remember that possible Google search ranking algorithm update from September 23rd?

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15 Tips That Will Improve Your Writing Today via @ronlieback


Learning how to write well is a process that can always be improved.

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Google Celebrates Its 22nd Birthday This Sunday


Tomorrow, Sunday, September 27th, is Google’s 22nd birthday. To celebrate, Google will be posting this animated Google Doodle.

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