Archive for August, 2022

Vlog #187: Jill Fecher On Podcasting & Agency Business Development


In part one, we learned about Jill Fecher, Chief Growth Officer at Cypress North. We learned about her past history in marketing, why she joined Cypress North, what she does there…

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Data-driven attribution: How to think about Google’s default attribution model


Attribution has been the holy grail for advertisers since the beginning of time, especially for media platforms that typically sit further away from the conversion and play a role in branding (i.e., billboards, banner ads and videos).

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Google Helpful Content Update Seems Weak & Slow To Roll Out So Far…


Google announced the helpful content update on August 18th and it officially started to roll out on August 25th. I thought this update would hit hard and fast, but so far, and I know it has only been a few days since it officially rolled out, it has been slow to roll out and pretty weak relative to what I thought it would be.

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How To Repurpose Long-Form Content Into Supplementary Content via @sejournal, @mirandalmwrites


More traffic, greater leads, higher ROI, and happier customers?

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Google Helpful Content Update Feedback Form


As you know, the Google helpful content update started to roll out on Thursday, August 25th. Google has opened up a feedback form for you to leave Google URLs of sites that you think shouldn’t have been affected or other feedback.

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Google Tests Quick Read & 5 Minute Read Label In Search Results


Google is testing a new label in the search results to tell searchers what is a quick read or a page that takes less than five minutes to read. I love this, Google is showing a searcher that they can scan through a piece of content quickly.

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Google: Soft 404s Do Waste Crawl Budget


Google’s Gary Illyes said on the latest Search Off The Record podcast that soft 404s, pages Google thinks are 404s but return a 200 server status code, do waste crawl budget.

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Keyword rank tracking software – 6 tools compared


Reliable rank tracker software is crucial to developing a successful SEO strategy. Aside from tracking keyword rankings, SEO tools provide you with keyword research features and useful SEO metrics, which lets you pick the most effective keywords for your website. With so many rank tracking tools in the market, how do you know which one is the best fit for you

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10 tips to help you become an in-house SEO


Looking to land a new SEO role to grow your career?

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