OpenAI, the folks behind ChatGPT, have published information on its web crawler named GPTBot. You can now see if OpenAI is crawling your site, how much so, and you can disallow access to all or part of your site with the robots.txt protocol.
OpenAI, the folks behind ChatGPT, have published information on its web crawler named GPTBot. You can now see if OpenAI is crawling your site, how much so, and you can disallow access to all or part of your site with the robots.txt protocol.
Google has released a new Google Ads PDF guide for RSAs, responsive search ads.
OpenAI has published information about its new web crawler named GPTBot. You can read the documentation on GPTBot over here .
What does a hybrid of human and artificial intelligence look like for B2B marketers, and why is hybridized AI becoming one of the most important and powerful combinations for building brand trust in 2023? Generative AI’s meteoric rise has left nary a sector of society unaffected by the technology’s touch, however when it comes to marketing, it’s a different kind of touch that is standing out — the human one.
Google research proposes TW-BERT, a remarkable framework that improves search ranking and is easy to deploy to existing ranking systems The post Google Ranking Algorithm Research Introduces TW-BERT appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
Create a global content calendar to make your content workflow efficient and increase customer engagement. The post Key Considerations For A Global Content Calendar appeared first on Search Engine Journal .
We all recognize the power of brands, but too often the value of brand building is reduced to hand-waving and wishful thinking. Today, Moz makes the power of brand measurable. Starting today, you’ll find something new in our Domain Overview tool : a Brand Authority TM score for your domain (or any domain you choose to analyze): You’ll also see a new visualization – a four-quadrant grid – that compares your Brand Authority and Domain Authority to your closest online competitors.
Google Analytics 4 enhances filters with new match types like regex for more customizable, precise data segmentation.