How to Make Love Stay: 6 Ways B2B Marketing Analytics is Like A Relationship

Valentines Day is a holiday that some people look forward to, while others dread it’s very existence.  Let’s face it; no one likes to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Much like personal relationships, business relationships take effort. What are you doing this year to ensure you’re spending time with someone special and keeping your conversion funnel full?

Continued here:
How to Make Love Stay: 6 Ways B2B Marketing Analytics is Like A Relationship

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How to Make Love Stay: 6 Ways B2B Marketing Analytics is Like A Relationship

Valentines Day is a holiday that some people look forward to, while others dread it’s very existence.  Let’s face it; no one likes to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Much like personal relationships, business relationships take effort. What are you doing this year to ensure you’re spending time with someone special and keeping your conversion funnel full?

Continued here:
How to Make Love Stay: 6 Ways B2B Marketing Analytics is Like A Relationship

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