Now access to your Google Voice account is quicker than ever if you are using an Android phone.
Now access to your Google Voice account is quicker than ever if you are using an Android phone.
Google has announced a new website aimed at offering tips and advice for small business owners that use AdWords. It’s called the AdWords Small Business Center. It offers tips in several aspects of the AdWords system — like “Write great ads” and “Adjust bids and budgets” — and the content is divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
After years of refusing the “portal” label, it seems that Google has finally had a change of mind. Google’s new attitude is evident on its Our Philosophy – Ten things we know to be true page. As Eric Goldman points out, that page has changed: On June 3, 2004 (per, the page said “Google may *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Repeat after me, then repeat again: success with paid search requires an always testing mindset. Why is this so important?
If you thought instant search suggestions and results was fun, get a load of this: At Yahoo Taiwan and Yahoo Hong Kong, searchers can handwrite their search queries and Yahoo will try to match the handwriting to letters, and then show suggested searches. It’s all described in this Yahoo blog post, complete with screenshots showing how *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Google’s press conference about Google Instant hadn’t even ended yesterday when the question of “is SEO dead” started coming up on Twitter, in blog posts and was even asked about formally during the event’s Q&A (the answer was no, twice over, by the way). No, Google Instant isn’t killing SEO.
Yesterday Google implemented their new search experience, Google Instant and the SEO and Tech blogs lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s nice to see something get these folks excited for a change. While the notion of instant search isn’t new, Yahoo had it in 2005 , Google commands the vast majority of search engine market share so such a major, public change to the Google interface warrants attention.
These are the only five ways to get Facebook fans. If you have another way, it’s wrong
Anyone reading this site for the past years or so know the typical on-page vs off-page SEO debate. One SEO school of thought is “content is king” and the other is “links are supreme.” If you can spend your time…
I am a bit shocked to learn that most link builders and SEOs don’t find traffic to be all that important in buying or acquiring links from sites. I ran a poll a few months ago asking How Important Is…