Archive for October, 2010

When Google Rewrites Your Title Tags


A Google Webmaster Help thread has JohnMu from Google explaining when Google may rewrite your title tags in the search results. Typically, the title attribute used in your source code of your page is what Google would display in search…

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When Google Rewrites Your Title Tags


A Google Webmaster Help thread has JohnMu from Google explaining when Google may rewrite your title tags in the search results. Typically, the title attribute used in your source code of your page is what Google would display in search…

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4 Tools to Find Related Keyword Phrases for Varied Anchor Text


Recently, I have been hearing complaints about having websites drop out of rankings (or at least get bumped down a bit) for one particular keyword phrase, but not others. The assumption is likely that it is a penalty based on un-natural linking activity for that keyword phrase

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Google’s Realtime Counter & Shared By In Web Search Results


Danny and I reported at Search Engine Land on the Google Web Search Tests Getting More Social.

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Google Fixes Blogspot Indexing Issue: New Content Being Indexed


On Friday we reported on early reports of Google stopping indexing Blogger (aka content. Any new content published on many blogspot URLs were not being indexed by Google.

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Google Fixes Blogspot Indexing Issue: New Content Being Indexed


On Friday we reported on early reports of Google stopping indexing Blogger (aka content. Any new content published on many blogspot URLs were not being indexed by Google

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DoNanza Trends Report: Analyzing Blogging Platforms and Work-From-Home Market


DoNanza , the search engine for work-from-home and freelance jobs, has released today its quarterly State of the Work-From-Home and Freelancing Economy. The whole report can broken into two main categories: 1. Analyzing the Rivalry Among CMS/Blogging

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SEO for Blogs & Feeds – SES Chicago


My final liveblogg session of SES Chicago is all about SEO for Blogs and Feeds aka blog optimization . This is a session I know a little something about, having presented on it at SES 4-5 times over the years.

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TV, Meet Search: Integrating Television & Paid Search For Maximum Results


Effectively coordinating your TV commercials with paid search marketing programs could be the key to driving measurable results and overall improvement in your marketing programs across channels. *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

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How To: Allow Google to Crawl your AJAX Content


Posted by RobOusbey This post begins with a particular dilemma that SEOs have often faced: websites that use AJAX to load content into the page can be much quicker and provide a better user experience BUT: these websites can be difficult (or impossible) for Google to crawl, and using AJAX can damage the site’s SEO. Fortunately, Google has made a proposal for how webmasters can get the best of both worlds. I’ll provide links to Google documentation later in this post, but it boils down to to some relatively simple concepts

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