Archive for November, 2010

Google Scares Sites Not To Link Out


There is an interesting thread at WebmasterWorld that talks about the fear of linking to third party web sites. One webmaster knew he had about 3,000 links to his web site, but the site wasn’t ranking well. So he built..

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21 Power User Tips for Web Marketers


While some joining the Internet marketing workforce in recent years have prior IT or web development experience, many come from less technical sectors such as off-line marketing, or have got into the field via their own initiative. Those that come from less technical areas, or have come to use computers for work only in recent years may be missing a few ‘old school’ tricks in applications and the operating system that can dramatically increase productivity in all sorts of tasks common to SEO, PPC, and working with web documents

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3 Important Ecommerce Trends To Watch


The web is shifting rapidly, again. Search has seen accelerated growth over the last two years, at a quicker clip than any time over the last ten.

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Google’s Watch This Space Page For Display Ad Promotion


I believe some time in September, Google launched a landing page at to promote their display ad network at the MIXX conference. The slogan was: Display Ads Are Big. They’re Gonna Be Huge.

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Google’s Watch This Space Page For Display Ad Promotion


I believe some time in September, Google launched a landing page at to promote their display ad network at the MIXX conference. The slogan was: Display Ads Are Big. They’re Gonna Be Huge.

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Google’s Watch This Space Page For Display Ad Promotion


I believe some time in September, Google launched a landing page at to promote their display ad network at the MIXX conference. The slogan was: Display Ads Are Big.

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Which Flavor of Social Commerce is Right for You?


Photo credit: timtak via Flickr Social Commerce is a very hot topic right now with numerous blog posts , articles and even a few events focused on ecommerce and social media.

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Google-Groupon Deal Rumored At $2.5 Billion


Over the past week, there has been many rumors that Google would be making a buy-out offer to Groupon, the popular local deals site. Those rumors have heated up this morning, with reporting the deal has closed, with Google buying Groupon for $2.5 billion. Google or Groupon has yet to..

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Google’s “Gold Standard” Search Results Take Big Hit In New York Times Story


The New York Times has a great, detailed story out today about a merchant with an unusual marketing strategy: be mean to customers. Any publicity, even negative publicity, means a win with Google’s ranking algorithms. Is he right?

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The Wonderful World of SEO Metatags


Posted by Kate Morris Meta tags are the beginning of most SEO training, for better and worse. I contemplated on how to introduce this topic because we always hear the bad part of meta tags, namely the keywords meta tag

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