Archive for December, 2010

Use Blekko To Find Your Competitors Sites Via AdSense Pub ID


Most Webmasters and Google AdSense publishers know that the AdSense code you place on your site includes your unique AdSense publisher ID…

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How Cool Would It Be If Google Became A Carrier?


The end of the year is the time when people feel more free to make wacky statements and dubious predictions. Whether it’s the season, too many rich desserts or the additional alcohol people consume it’s not clear. But one such prediction is that Google might seek to become a..

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Daily Search Forum Recap: December 30, 2010


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Who Is Using Google or Yahoo! to Search for Facebook or YouTube?


Yesterday, Experian Hitwise reported that the top 10 most-searched terms in 2010 were Facebook, Facebook login, YouTube, Craigslist, MySpace,, eBay, Yahoo,, and Mapquest. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Rosetta Stone AdWords Info Revealed In Google Brief


Interesting tidbits have emerged from Google’s release of an unredacted appellate brief from its trademark battle with advertiser Rosetta Stone. While none of the information is earth-shattering, it’s interesting to note that Rosetta Stone earns a better return-on-investment from advertising… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, December 30, 2010


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: What Every Search Marketer Needs To Know About Web Security All too often web site security is somebody else’s problem. It shouldn’t be.

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Google AdSense Publisher Gets Greedy, Then Banned & Then Complains


I see it all the time, complaints from Google AdSense publishers that they were banned from Google AdSense unfairly. But one story is making its rounds on Twitter and through the blogosphere…

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Google PageRank Becoming Non Exclusive, At Least The Original Patent Document


If you look at Google’s 10-K 2009 filing on Page 15, you will see a statement about when Google’s original PageRank patent expires. It reads: The first version of the PageRank technology was created while Larry and Sergey attended Stanford University…

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Will Google Be Your Next Phone Carrier?


Google tries to be a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and if history is any indication, they won’t simply stop when they’ve reached the borders of their current service descriptions. They’ve done their best to move from being “a search engine” to just about every other net-service — so, what’s to stop them from becoming a competitive cellphone service provider? According to CNN Money , nothing at all

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Why Rovio Says Android will Remain Developers’ Second Pick


While there are dozens of reasons why users will choose either an Apple-powered or Android-run device to fill their smartphone needs, one of the most prominent facts, is how many applications are being offered.

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