Archive for January, 2011

How Social Media Really Works for Small Business


One of the most common questions small business marketers are seeking to answer is, “How can I really benefit from social media?”  Social media has certainly changed and improved how small to mid-size businesses can  carve out space and connect in an extremely crowded marketplace. When companies participate on the social web in a meaningful way, it helps create a personal connection between customers and the brand

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Google Earth Now Available in Iran


The Iranian election protests of 2009 was a turning point for the public’s understanding of the importance of social media and the impact of new web-based communication tools. During the protests that followed the election results, the Iranian government shut down every type of traditional media outlet and even spied on online forums and social networks. Twitter and Youtube prevailed as news sources for the world, particularly for anxious families, during the media blackout, so much so, that Twitter was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize

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Paul Cézanne’s 172nd Birthday : Story Behind Google’s Doodle


If you go to Google today on pretty much all the versions, or a localized version of Google, you will find a special Google logo, also known as a Google Doodle…

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Google Brings Back AdSenseAdvisor To WebmasterWorld


AdSenseAdvisor has been part of WebmasterWorld since 2003. Google has likely replaced the individual who replies to posts under that account a few times since the account was created. And Google has done so again..

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Half of What We Know About Search and Social Media Is Obsolete


The search and social media landscape is changing so fast that half of what we knew a year ago is now obsolete. Click to read the rest of this post..

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SEO Gets A Nod On Network TV…


Finally! SEO gets its first mainstream exposure since 2005, when search marketer David Karandish briefly appeared the Martha Stewart edition of NBC’s The Apprentice (yes, I really did pull that reference out).

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AdSense Category Filtering: Now You See It & Now You Don’t


In April 2009, Google introduced category filtering for some AdSense publishers.

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Real-Time Search Engine Collecta Hits Pause


Depending on your viewpoint, Collecta has either shut down or hit the pause button while the company “takes a step back” and retools it’s approach.

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My Presentation Creation Process


Posted by randfish Last year, I created 44 unique presentations, delivered via a variety of mediums – webinars, keynotes, private presentations and conference panels.

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