Archive for January, 2011

Homeland Security Wants Internet Kill Switch


Sen. Susan Collins, the Republican ranking member on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told Wired magazine that there was a need for “kill switch” legislation that “would provide a mechanism for the government to work with the private sector in the event of a true cyber emergency.” Click to read the rest of this post…

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6 Tactics That May Put You At Risk Of Being Banned From AdWords


Every few months, there is an outcry from advertisers because they received the dreaded notification email from Google – their accounts were banned. Some accounts eventually get reinstated, some companies are never allowed to advertise on Google again.

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Another Security Hole Found in Android


When it comes to security, Google Android has long been the weaker contestant. After all, the simple availability of the code through the open source community also means that malicious coders will have the opportunity to exploit any and all weaknesses.

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Google’s Intrusive Advertising March Continues


Google’s initial concept for search and content advertising was simple but brilliant: to display highly relevant but non-intrusive ads to their users. But, oh how the mighty have fallen! Google’s precepts of non-interference have dwindled gradually over time as display ads were offered in the content network. However, the last several months have shown a new and ugly face from Google: video ads on YouTube and, now, display ads inside your Gmail account

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Two Neat New Gmail Features


Like a parent who takes their child out for ice cream after a doctor’s visit, Google has paired its “display ad experiment” in Gmail with some  appealing new features . While there has been plenty to talk about over the last few weeks when it comes to minor extras, these two features will serve as great news for both personal and professional Gmail users. Unread Message Active Favicon Your favicon, that little icon that shows the website logo and is attached to your tabs and bookmarks, has previously displayed the recognizable “Gmail M” in the past

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Bing Adds a Destination Comparison in Travel Search


Bing may not have the biggest portion of the market (in fact, being generous, they have about 10%), but the group they have is fiercely loyal. Why? Is it the National Geographic images on the home page?

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Essential Mobile Marketing Resources


Read predictions about the future of Online Marketing over the past 3-4 years and you’ll undoubtedly find mobile mentioned in each one. With smart phones sales to pass personal computers and the smart phone race between AT&T and Verizon iPhones, Droid powered phones and everyone else has elevated the impact of mobile devices to unprecedented levels.

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Advertisers Benefit More From Top Ad Spots on Google Than Bing [Study]


People who use Google spend more time looking at the top three paid ads above the organic results than Bing users, according to the results of a new eye-tracking study from research firm User Centric. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Google’s Content Farm Algorithm Harm You? Categorize Your Site To Fix It.


Were you hit by the latest Google content farm algorithm?

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Will Digital Asset Optimization Be the New SEO?


I’ll willingly admit that I’m not always the first to hear of a new term. My first reaction to “have you heard of [insert your term here]” is to go on a researching expedition. Eventually, I’ll talk about it on Facebook, Twitter, and sometimes the SEO forums I hang out in

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