Archive for January, 2011

Renegade SEO Consultant


People like things easy. The easier the better.

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Search Within Results Google Results Not Really Gone


There have been many complaints in the Google Web Search Help forums that Google has removed the ability to “search within results.” Google had a special link at the bottom of the search results that read…

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Google Says “Ciao” To Antitrust Claim In Italy


Each day seems to bring new twists and turns in Europe in the unfolding saga of the many investigations against Google going on there. Yesterday, in a bit of good news for Mountain View, the Italian Competition Authority ended an antitrust investigation into Google News.

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Using Trends to Boost Your Blog


The power of blogging

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Online Business Promotion That Works: SEO, Copywriting and Social Media


The fact that people use SEO copywriting services really isn’t earth shattering news. How each business uses those services and/or tools is really up to the business owner.

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Google Related PPC Ads in AdWords


More search marketers are reporting seeing PPC ad grouping by segments and categories for certain search queries. Google began testing this new layout for general and brand terms in Google AdWords that showed “Related to [search term]” last June, and it seems it has rolled out more broadly in the last few days.

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Scientific Proof Facebook is the Jersey Shore


Posted by danzarrella This post was originally in YOUmoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. So the title is a bit of hyperbole, but for most techy, social media savvy folks, the mainstream Facebook audience can sometimes seem a bit foreign, so I find it can help to think of them as a bit closer to the cast of Jersey Shore.

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Google, Spain Clash in Court over Privacy


Spain’s data protection authority has demanded Google to remove links to nearly 100 articles from its search listings, and five of those disputed articles will be contested by the search engine’s legal team in a Madrid magistrates’ court this week. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Google AdWords Continues Grouping Ad Tests


Back in June of last year, Google began testing bucketing related ads on the site bar. They expanded that test by displaying searches related to later on in the year above the Google Map on the right.

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Google May Use The Meta Keywords Tag Again


Is Google using the Meta Keywords again?

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