Archive for January, 2011

How to Get Facebook Fans: The Easy Way and The Hard Way


Have you ever found an easy and superior way to do something, then watched in bafflement as people insist on doing it the hard way? You will never make money on Facebook if you have the wrong fans. And the best way to get the right Facebook fans for your business is with Facebook ads

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AdWords Spam or Samples


Yoast & Aaron Wall were reportedly tweeting about suspicious AdWords landing pages that come up in the Google search results. For example take a look at

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Top 5 Car Execs to Use Twitter


Top executives enjoy using Twitter because it gives them an opportunity to connect directly with an audience that is too often distanced by countless layers of mid-management. This access, a success with politicians, has proven to likewise be successful for business executives and celebrities.

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YouTube Now Exceeds 200 Million Views a Day on Mobile


Yesterday, the YouTube Blog buried its lead. Midway through a post that proclaimed ” Music videos now on YouTube app for Android ,” was the really important news for marketers: “YouTube now exceeds 200 million views a day on mobile, a 3x increase in 2010.” Click to read the rest of this post…

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Ad Text Display URL – What to Test


Last month we talked about what to test with Ad Text , and mentioned one element you can test in your ads: the display URL. In that post we outlined a few different possible display URL approaches you could take (in this example we’re bidding on the term personalized gifts): Different Display URL – The display URL can sometimes have a non-trivial impact on click-through rate and ultimately conversions.

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Social Networking and SEO: Why Engaging Boosts Rankings


SEO means more than just Search Engine Optimization; it also means Start Engaging Others.

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Social Media Overload: When is Enough Too Much?


The onslaught of new social media sites has fundamentally changed the role of any marketing or communications professional. Every day millions of users are spending significant periods of time on social networks. In 2010, social media use represented 22 percent of the time spent online by users

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Link Building Training – Strategies, Tactics and Tips


Posted by willcritchlow Want to know more about link building? I’ve got something you might be interested in

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The Future Of E-Commerce And Online Business


We all know that the Internet has become the lifeline of any business. The simplest definition of Business is – Any activity or transaction which involves the exchange of goods and services with an objective of earning an income by making a profit

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Significant Delays For Google News Submissions


Before the 2010/2011 holiday season, Google News informed us their would be a slow down in reviewing sites for inclusion in Google News. Harvey P.

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