Archive for January, 2011

Google AdWords To Lower Case Domains


Google announced they will begin lowercasing the domain and subdomains of the display ads for AdWords. Let me show you what this means. If I wanted my ad to have a display URL that looked like

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FourSquare Quietly Posts New Rules


FourSquare has added an updated Do’s and Don’ts list in their “house rules” page.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: January 12, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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German Govt. Says Google Analytics Now Verboten


In a move that could harm its own businesses, the German government is targeting Google on privacy issues again — this time over Google Analytics. German privacy officials are concerned that Google Analytics tracks web users’ IP addresses, and that could violate an individual’s..

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USA Today FourSquare Partnership Smart Social Review Play


USA Today announced it was adding 250 Top Ten Places articles to its FourSquare account and its intention of adding more, “Foursquare has been reaching out to media companies and inking partnerships over the past year, landing big-name publishers such as The Wall Street Journal. Foursquare Founder Dennis Crowley said last summer that the company has employees focused on reaching out to blogs, magazines and newspapers to encourage them to put content archives on Foursquare,” Editor and Publisher reported .

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More Updates for Google AdSense


Google debuted a new look for AdSense back in November, and today announced some more updates and new features. They are: Click to read the rest of this post…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 12, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Extreme Email Experiment: How Much Is Too Much?

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Extreme Email Experiment: How Much Is Too Much?


With some simple analytics in place, you can pretty easily establish the ideal frequency of your B2B email campaigns. Based on the results from this experiment, we confirmed that we should be sending email more frequently. You will probably come to a similar conclusion.

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Posted in SEO No Comments » Shortener API Released to Devs


While there are plenty of markets that Google enters for the sake of spreading word, increasing market share, or gaining additional income opportunities, there are at least a few that are incidental. This is the case with, a shortener akin to or moo.url that trims down long site addresses to a simple 12-character URL. was actually developed by a Googler for internal use, and for no other reason but the desire to add the features that they themselves wanted to use.

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Google Actively Addressing Android UI Issues


Google started so successfully because the company was made up of two brilliant innovators who clung to some unrelenting dreams.  The story of the company’s success since then may just be more of the same, since so much of what drives the company — including the new fields Google is able to enter — stems from nothing more or less than their people resources.

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