Archive for February, 2011

Google Umbrellas


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My Picks: 5 Top Online Marketing Blogs from the UK


Thank you to all who participated in our little poll seeking votes for the best UK Online Marketing Blog last week. That link will take you to the ful list as well as the voting results.

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Valentine’s Day Logo From Google & Others


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Today there are many site’s sporting special logos for the special day.

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Valentine’s Day Logo From Google & Others


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Today there are many site’s sporting special logos for the special day. Google, Yahoo, Bing,, YouTube and others all have special logos and/or themes for the day

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Google Finally Resolves Google Places Respond To Reviews Bug


After months and months of complaints of an issue in map review replies, Google has finally said they fixed it for the last time. In short..

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Twitter As Utility, Like Running Water? That’s Goal, Says CEO


One should be able to access Twitter anywhere, on any platform, and the interface should be instantly usable.

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The Next Generation of Ranking Signals


Posted by randfish Every 3-4 years, there’s a big shift or addition to the key metrics Google (and, to a lesser extent MSN/Bing and Yahoo!) uses to order competitive search results. 1996-1999: On-page keyword usage + meta data 1999 – 2002: PageRank + On-page 2002 – 2005: Anchor text + Domain name + PageRank + On-Page 2005 – 2009: Domain authority + Diversity of linking domains + Topic modeling + Anchor text +

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 14, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 14, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: New: Block Sites From Google Results Using Chrome’s “Personal Blocklist” Google has announced that a new way to block certain sites from..

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Google Outsourcing Spam Checking To You, Could Be Abused


Google announced today that they have added a new extension to their Chrome browser that allows you to block sites from their search results. And “the extension also sends blocked site information to Google, and we will study the resulting feedback and explore using it as a potential ranking signal for our search results,” their Official Blog reported

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