Archive for February, 2011

Google AdSense Killing PSA Ads


The Google AdSense Blog announced they are retiring the legendary Google AdSense PSA, Public Service Announcements, ads that Google AdSense has been using to fill ads when they can’t otherwise…

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PSAs No Longer Brought to You by Google AdSense


Public service ads (PSAs) are being retired in AdSense and will no longer be a backup ad option. Google is now trying to figure out new options. If you’re a website publisher and want to avoid having a blank space where a PSA used to appear, you can select and edit your ad unit on the “My Ads” page (for the old interface, edit ad settings by going to “My Account,” and to to “Manage Ads”)

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Webmaster Tools and Analytics Get More Cozy


According to Google’s Webmaster Central blog , site owners now have the ability to link verified sites using Webmaster Tools to an Analytics profile used by the same Google account.

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How Prototype Theory Influences A Social Media Strategy


Social media experts, typically self-appointed, trumpet their belief that social media marketing (SMM) “throws out the rules” and is a “game-changer.” However, the extent to which SMM can change the rules depends very much on how thoughtful its practitioners are, and how well they understand the… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Bing Searches, Unique Visitors Rise


A week after being accused of stealing Google’s results , Bing has received some good news: searches on Bing last month increased by 21 percent, according to Hitwise .

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Keyword Research – Using Categories to Make Your Process More Actionable


Posted by richardbaxterseo One of the earliest and arguably most important parts of the SEO process is keyword research. Keyword research helps you answer that all important question, “In what quantities do people use search engines to find the products and services on my website?”. Your research process will ultimately govern the method you use to structure your website, inspire your content strategy and kick start your link building campaigns

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For Keyword Targeting in Paid Search, Beware The Galaxy Effect


Are you targeting the entire universe of prospective customers via your paid search campaigns? If you are unsure, you’re not alone.  There are many factors that go into running a successful paid search initiative, including mapping out the right account structure, performing extensive keyword research, building ad creative, crafting campaign landing pages, analyzing and optimizing campaigns based on analytics, etc.  Paid search has definitely grown in complexity over the past several years, and innovation in SEM is not slowing down.  It’s one of the reasons I’ve been performing more and more paid search audits recently .  Similar to SEO audits, paid search audits enable you to understand the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities across your SEM campaigns.  Based on an audit, there are usually a number of items to address, including adjusting campaign settings, revamping account structure, refining keyword targeting, changing network targeting, etc. One extremely important part of an SEM audit includes analyzing a company’s keyword targeting, or reviewing the keywords a company is running to target prospective customers.  In the current paid search environment, if you don’t target the right keywords, you’re missing huge opportunities to reach targeted users.  And that directly impacts the effectiveness of your campaigns.

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Poll: Do You Find Google Webmaster Tools To Be Accurate?


Last week Google announced they have updated the numbers on some of the reports to round at a higher level.

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Mother Jones and the A/B Test


The other day I was reading the latest Mother Jones and came across an interesting note from the editor . They talked about the importance and difficulty of choosing a magazine cover and that despite the fact that they are a non-profit, they still rely heavily on reader support through sales.

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Fully Automated SEO – The Future of the Industry?


History is riddled with examples of machine eradicating the jobs of man. From mining to car manufacturing and call centre operation, the robot – with its unwavering efficiency and tedious accuracy – is now favoured above the humble homosapien in all but a few industries.

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