Archive for February, 2011

Google Hotpot Spreads to a Global Scale


When it comes to the world of modern technologies, Google has a thriving grasp of almost every major division. However, there are two “areas for improvement”: local, where Google’s failed Groupon bid and lack of features make it a weak competitor, and social, where the crash of Google Buzz positioned the company in the worst possible ways. However, there’s one Google feature that does a lot to establish a greater foothold in both these arenas.

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Bing and Google Stand Together for IPv6


When the Internet was invented by Al Gore (or the countless researchers in various locations around the globe who collaborated and slowly advanced networking concepts until the concept of the Internet was formed — take your pick), corresponding technology to identify computers was required. This is where IP comes in — a web protocol that created about four billion different access addresses

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The U.S. Justice Department Probes Google-ITA Deal


The travel industry plays a key role in the web information field, and each search engine is working hard to create travel features.

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Fetch As GoogleBot Now Out Of Beta


If you login to your Google Webmaster Tools you may notice that the Fetch as GoogleBot feature is no longer under the “labs” section. Yes…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 7, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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PSAs To Be Phased Out Of AdSense


Publishers running AdSense will soon see fewer public service announcement banners on their sites, as Google has announced changes to phase them out of back-up ad options.

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From Adwords To AdCenter: Cross Platform Compatibility, Part 2


This month, we continue our exploration of cross-compatibility issues between Google Adwords and Microsoft adCenter, and how understanding the subtle and not-so-subtle differences, PPC campaigns managers can design and build portable and easier-to-manage campaigns that take both networks into… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics: The Beginning of a Useful Integration?


Istvan Turk has tipped us off to a blog post over at SEO Sport noting that the verification page of Google Webmaster Tools now includes a Link to Google Analytics option for all verified sites. Note this this is different from site verification using Google Analytics, which was added last year.

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U.S. Census Findings Count For Local Search Marketers


Talk of the 2010 U.S. Census is heating up on the web – as local information starts to trickle out – with discussion about what national and local census figures mean for everything from politics to the Superbowl

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 7, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Instant Replay: Where To Find The Super Bowl Ads Are you one of those people who get upset when the Super Bowl gets interrupted by football or corny half-time..

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