Archive for February, 2011

“International SEO” – SMN Webcast for UK & European marketers, Feb. 8


Next Tuesday, February 8, Search Marketing Now hosts a special presentation for our UK and European audiences: “International SEO in the UK & Europe: What’s Hot, What’s Not.” Featuring Erica Schmidt of iProspect and Kevin Thiele of Searchmetrics, this webcast will focus… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google: Only 2% Opt-Out of Instant


Only about 2 percent of users have opted out of using Google Instant , according to Ben Gomes, Instant lead engineer. Launched in September, Google Instant tries to predict what you’re looking for and shows you results as you type.

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From the Writer’s Perspective


My first foray into social media and search was via writing copy. I worked for a design firm and often wrote and tweaked website copy for clients to make it appealing to both humans and web crawlers

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New PageRank Formula May Change Your SEO Priorities


cc licensed flickr photo shared by toprankonlinemarketing The vast majority of website owners seem to be obsessed with PageRank. It was one of the heaviest ranking factors in the original Google algorithm, and the fame persists.

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Bing Gets Served on The Colbert Report [Video]


Google’s accusation that Bing copied Google’s search results has gotten mainstream media attention from the BBC to the Wall Street Journal. Last night, the search wars received the Colbert bump

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SEM Report for Forex Niche: Competitors Best Techniques Revealed


Every serious online business during its development reaches the line when it becomes essential to clearly realize the market’s structure, see and feel your competitors, have a gust of the dynamics of demands of your potential customers. In the current report I would like to concentrate on such an interesting moment as market research, as it allows building business in the web on the solid ground and make corrections during its development that are based only on topical and timely data.

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Mobile Marketing Session at SES New York and Mini MBA Program at Rutgers


According to a new survey from the Association of National Advertisers and the Mobile Marketing Association, 88 percent of marketers at large retailers and consumer brand manufacturers say they will use mobile marketing this year. What’s more, 75 percent of those already marketing to mobile consumers plan to increase their spending by an average of 59 percent compared with 2010

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Why PPC Is The Key To A Successful SEO Strategy


One thing I love about search is the ability to collect data and turn that data into sales. However, when you have a new site, you don’t have any on site data to analyze. When we don’t have existing data to analyze we need to create data and we can do this quickly with a paid search campaign

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Colbert: “Hiybbprqag Is A Word Meaning You Got Served”


Enter a new referee in the Copygate dispute between Google and Bing: comedian Stephen Colbert. Despite being sponsored by Bing, Colbert came down in Google’s favor last night on the Colbert Report — at least jokingly. Colbert comes into the story with a Bing spokesperson’s denial..

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Yahoo Havaianas


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