Archive for May, 2011

No Data Available Bing Webmaster Tools Issue


If you try to verify a new site with Bing Webmaster Tools you currently won’t be able to see any data for that new site.

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Google AdSense Ads No Longer Allowed In IFRAME


Amit Agarwal reported that Google AdSense updated their program policies to specifically mention you cannot place AdSense ads within IFRAMES…

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An SEO’s Guide to HTTP Status Codes (An Infographic)


Posted by Dr. Pete A while back, I started thinking about how the different status codes and redirects (301s, 302s, etc.) might look visually. I started drawing up some ideas for what was going to be an illustrated blog post, but then it suddenly dawned on me that I was slowly creating an infographic

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The Matt Cutts Debunking Flowchart


I’ve got a long-standing promise to Google’s Matt Cutts that I’d one day do a flowchart to illustrate his decision process about when he decides to debunk some crazy allegation against Google. With a bumper crop of debunking going on by Matt, it’s time to deliver on that…

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Bing Maps Tweaks Streetside, But Silverlight Still Needed For Best Experience


Bing Maps has added what it’s calling a “significant enhancement” to its Streetside product, but the best version remains the one that’s only available with Microsoft’s Silverlight plugin installed. According to today’s announcement, the Streetside upgrades are… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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J.C. Penney’s Google Time Out Period Lasts 90 Days


Remember, J.C. Penney was outed by the NY Times leading to a Google Penalty and seriously impacting how J.C

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Why PageRank Isn’t A Useful Metric For International Link Building


Do we need to look at different ways of thinking about Page Rank in international markets — especially when it comes to link building?

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Social Media Consultants, Experts & Gurus – Oh My!


Photo Credit: ISD 191 Performing Arts Programs Most of the people that I know who are really making an impact for companies in the social media space see themselves as marketers, vs. singling themselves out as specific to social media.

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Creating a Link Building Dashboard


If you are actively building links as part of your SEO efforts, you are probably tracking your metrics, but are your metrics helping you? You should be actively watching KPI’s to ensure your link building is heading in the right direction

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The Infographic Slam Dunk


Looking to partake in the latest infographic craze? Look no further as you’ve come to the right place. In case you were counting on the rapture and were hiding under a rock for the past, oh two years or so, infographics are simply visual representations of information, data, or knowledge .

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