Archive for September, 2011

Google Analytics Real Time Reports: Web Traffic Right Now


Google Analytics just announced a new set of reports called “Real Time.” They will be seen in the new interface of Google Analytics (available to all users), under the Dashboard tab; according to another recent announcement, this tab will soon be renamed the Home tab.

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3 Holiday SEO Projects: Microdata, Freebies & Harvesting Links


It’s that time of the year again. There are code freezes just around the corner for most online retailers and those big brands that aren’t focused on hitting holiday sales goals are getting their 2012 search engine marketing budgets al..

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US Congressmen Requesting FTC Investigation of Facebook Cookies


Last weekend, Australian technology blogger and hacker Nik Cubrilovic posted that Facebook cookies were tracking users in an unconventional manner. Even after a user had signed out of Facebook, the social networking giant was continuing to track that user’s web activities. Facebook openly admitted it was collecting data from a network of approximately one million sites with the Facebook plugin even after users had signed out of their accounts.

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Results: Type Of Sites Hit Hardest By Google’s Panda Update


A few months ago we asked you to take our poll on the types of sites hurt most by Panda and I wanted to now share those results with you. We had over 200 responses and affiliate, e-commerce and how to sites were the ones that lead the pack.

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Groupon Rewards: Groupon Customers Rewarded for Merchant Loyalty


When deciding whether or not to offer a Groupon, many merchants struggle with wondering if they will gain repeat business or simply offer deeply discounted products or services to one time customers. In order to combat this fear, the daily deal giant launched Groupon Rewards as a way to allow merchants to track deal redemption and ROI and incentivize customers to do repeat business at their favorite merchants. Groupon’s Wednesday blog post described the new program: “Consumers earn rewards at participating merchants simply by paying with the credit or debit card they have on file at

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Russian Search Engine Yandex Leads $30 Million Investment In Blekko


Blekko is the either the fourth US search engine or the third if you no longer consider Yahoo a search engine. And the company has been able to maintain visibility and stir the pot with its persistent criticism of Google search results being spam-filled. Now the company has secured $30 million in…

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Twitter Revenue Projections: A Mixed Report


According to a recent eMarketer report, Twitter’s 2011 advertising revenues will fall short of the earlier $150 million projection. However, when compared to Twitter’s $45 million of revenue in 2010, the revised 2011 projected revenues of $139.5 million represent a growth rate of 210%

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Yahoo Purple Turtle?


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Google Mixes Up Exchange Rate For Canadian AdSense Publishers?


There are new reports via WebmasterWorld and Google AdSense Help that Google has mixed up the exchange rate for the Canadian to US dollar…

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