Archive for October, 2011

BlueGlass LA 2012, Pubcon Vegas & #EpicDinner : SEJ @ Events!


We have a couple of announcements to make here in the conferences department at SEJ that will make for some exciting times this fall and for next spring. First off, today BlueGlass announced that there will be a follow up to the BlueGlass TPA Conference this Spring in Los Angeles, CA — BlueGlass LA 2012 . That’s right! BlueGlass is coming BACK to LA :) BlueGlass LA 2012 will be held on April 23rd & 24th, more information is pending about BlueGlass LA and if you’d like to be one of the first to be ‘ in the know ‘ to this in demand event (it’s looking like only 150 seats will be available) — sign up with BlueGlass .

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Google Revamps AdWords Location Targeting Tool


Google is unveiling some changes to its location-targeting tool in AdWords which allow advertisers to search and discover new targets, view targeted areas on a map, and get additional information about the audience likely to see the targeted ads. The first change involves a search interface that..

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Google Enables Changing Color Of Hover Over Links


Google announced you can now control the color of the link text when a user hovers over that link. You know, when you mouse over a hyperlink, the color of the link on mouse over is now controllable by you, for the AdSense ads…

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Halloween costume: stickman from xkcd


For Halloween this year I asked people on Google+ what I should be for Halloween, and someone suggested going as the blackhat stick man from xkcd . You know, this guy: That sounded like a good challenge. I finished the costume and taped a video, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to get the video to the quality level that I wanted

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Do You Have Duplicate Content Issues Across Domain? Google Will Now Alert You


Today, Google webmaster tools has launched a new message alert to let site owners know when a particular URL doesn’t appear because Google sees it as duplicate of a URL on a different domain. In the blog post announcing the feature and in an in-depth help topic, they provide details on how… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google’s New Location Targeting For AdWords


Google just announced a revamped location targeting interface for AdWords…

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Infographic: The Top Three US Search Engines


How big is Google compared to competitors Bing and Yahoo — and can they catch it? One metric is the number of searches each search engine handles in a given month. Search Engine Journal created a nice infographic charting these figures over the past few years

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Siri, Are You Taking Over Mobile Search?


The new iPhone 4s comes with a feature that is bound to impact how search marketers try to reach iPhone users. Siri, the voice recognition app that comes standard with the new iPhone, can be used to control text messaging and reminders inside the device

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Five Social Media Marketing Tricks for Halloween


This Halloween do you think social media will bring you tricks or treats? For some marketers, every day is Halloween when it comes to social media marketing . These marketers expect the bogeyman to be hiding behind every piece of consumer-generated content and assume their customers and the public only use Facebook and Twitter witchcraft to create bloodcurdling tricks

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Does Social Media Use Compromise the Security of Your Home? [Infographic]


The data in this infographic is really something we all should be concerned about. We can now talk to anyone anytime, but we need to be careful to not put our families and homes at risk. created the infographic below

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