Archive for October, 2011

SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 28, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Tweaks Its Rel=Author Display, Promotes Google+ In Search Results Google has rolled out a few changes to how it shows results that use the rel=author… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 28, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Tweaks Its Rel=Author Display, Promotes Google+ In Search Results Google has rolled out a few changes to how it shows results that use the rel=author… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google Keyword Tool Replaces Green Bar With High, Medium & Low Indicators


The Google Keyword Tool has replaced the green bar indicator displayed in the competition column of the results with a text label of either “High,” “Medium,” or “Low.” Visually, it will look different but technically, you are not losing much information…

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Google Keyword Tool Replaces Green Bar With High, Medium & Low Indicators


The Google Keyword Tool has replaced the green bar indicator displayed in the competition column of the results with a text label of either “High,” “Medium,” or “Low.” Visually, it will look different but technically, you are not losing much information…

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New LinkedIn Lead Tracking System: What You Need to Know


My exploration of LinkedIn advertising platform continues! My last few articles have focused on audience targeting for LinkedIn, as well as ad optimization tactics to improve ROI. In this article, we will explore a new feature just released for Li…

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Google Tweaks Its Rel=Author Display, Promotes Google+ In Search Results


Google has rolled out a few changes to how it shows results that use the rel=author markup.

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Google Tweaks Its Rel=Author Display, Promotes Google+ In Search Results


Google has rolled out a few changes to how it shows results that use the rel=author markup. Some of these are things that have been spotted in testing in recent weeks, so today’s announcement formalizes how that markup will display in Google’s search results. Here’s how it..

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PPC Copywriting Tips You Can Use in Your SEO Copy


It’s often the case that what works for PPC works for SEO, and vice versa – at least to a degree. You’ll certainly have to tweak your techniques when moving between organic and paid search efforts, but there’s no reason that gains and losses in one area can’t inform your decisions in the other – this goes for keyword research, landing page optimization, and, I’d argue, copywriting. PPC ad writers know that tiny tweaks can make a huge difference in your click-through rate (CTR)

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PPC Copywriting Tips You Can Use in Your SEO Copy


It’s often the case that what works for PPC works for SEO, and vice versa – at least to a degree. You’ll certainly have to tweak your techniques when moving between organic and paid search efforts, but there’s no reason that gains and losses in one area can’t inform your decisions in the other – this goes for keyword research, landing page optimization, and, I’d argue, copywriting.

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Keep Calm & Carry On Despite Google SSL Search Term Encryption


Editor’s Note: Richard Kirk, Head of SEO at Performics, took issue with Gareth Owen’s (Head of SEO at Steak) recent column on Search Engine Watch and asked if he could post a rebuttal. Given this is a thorny issue that really has divided the indus…

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