Archive for November, 2011

Adobe Invests in Facebook Ad Buying with Acquisition of Efficient Frontier


Early this morning, Adobe announced that it has entered an agreement to purchase Efficient Frontier, which will become part of Adobe’s Digital Marketing Suite. Efficient Frontier is a leader in social, search, and display marketing that utilizes multi-channel optimization to help clients maximize advertising budgets.

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Siri, Search & The Abortion Controversy


Yesterday there were several articles about how, if you asked Siri for help in finding a place to have an abortion, it wouldn’t show you abortion clinics. This is something of a false controversy. It’s really about understanding Siri’s modus operandi and its limitations rather..

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Goodbye Black Google Bar, Welcome Google Drop Down Menu


Google announced their new top navigation changes. It includes dropping the Google black bar launched in June of this year and replacing it with a white top, Google logo with navigation drop down and Google + sharing features…

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4 Recommendations For Benchmarking B2B Social Media Performance This Year


Tis the season…to wrap up budgeting and forecasting for 2012. As the year begins to draw towards a close, the hope is that your search engine marketing initiatives have an upward trend attached to them. According to MarketingSherpa’s 2011 B2B Marketing Advanced Practices Handbook, SEO ranked..

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Holiday PPC Checklist


It’s almost that time of year when everyone goes crazy for deals. That time of the year when people spend hours shopping online.  This is the time of year when a lot of new Advertisers enter the space, this means that you as a PPC manager or Agency have to step up and go above and beyond Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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5 Key Questions on Social Media, Content & SEO


A few weeks ago, @aknecht and @SocialMichelleR had me on their #socialchat and as I am prone to do, I ask for questions in advance and try to answer them so when the actual Twitter chat comes, I’m ready with robust content and links instead of thinking of everything on the fly. The result is a richer experience for all I think.

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A Visit From Saint Click & Landing Pages In 2012


The holidays are a wonderful time for conversion optimization, especially for e-commerce. I hear that even Santa is willing to accept third-party cookies, if they’re offered with milk.

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Mark Twain Again Follows Halley’s Comet…This Time in Google Doodle


How appropriate that in a month that a Google Doodle featured Halley’s Comet that Google would follow up by celebrating Mark Twain’s 176th birthday with a panoramic Doodle depicting one of the most famous characters he created, Tom Sawyer. …

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3 Tactics That Can Help Generate More Leads For Your Business


This is the expanded version of my talk at Startup Marketing School in NYC. You can learn more about the series here. In a world that seems to have gone social media crazy, it’s important to not lose sight of the end goal.

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New Adwords Social Extension Displays Google +1’s In PPC Ads


Posted by JustinV Hey there Mozzers! Today I'm going to talk about how to link your new Google+ Business Page to your Google AdWords account so you can start utilizing the new social extension feature. As we all know, Google+ has been hard at work lately trying to increase their user base and trying to close the gap between them and Facebook. Over the past few weeks they have moved one step closer by rolling out their Google+ business pages – basically the equivalent to Facebook business profiles

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