Archive for January, 2012

Report Affirms Strong Q4 Search Growth In 2011, Offers Additional Insights


Marketers have had a couple weeks to digest their fourth quarter numbers and assess their successes and failures from a period that can be a whirlwind, particularly in the retail sector. Now, with Google’s Q4 earnings report and Yahoo’s out, we’re getting a chance to compare our… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Con Artist Shares Inside Story of Google Pharmacy Ad Sting


In a letter to the Wall Street Journal, career con man David Whitaker spilled the beans on his experience as undercover operative Jason Corriente, an agent for wealthy clients seeking online ads. The sting led to a $500 million forfeiture for Google

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Pay To Get Business Photos In Google Places With Trusted Photographers


Back in May, Google launched Google Business Photos to help businesses make their Google Places listings more attractive by showing off the inside of your stores. Google said their has been such high demand that they

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Top 10 Reasons Your Facebook Campaign Isn’t Working


To most PPC marketers, the Facebook paid ads program represents an ideal marketing opportunity. Finally, you aren’t limited to targeting your ads based on geographic location and time of day alone (I’m looking at you, Google Adwords!). In fact, if you wanted to run a campaign targeting 16 year old boys in San Francisco who Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google Plus Promotes Network and New Security Features to Young Teens and Parents


On Thursday afternoon, Google+ announced that the rapidly growing social network is now available to teens ages 13 and up. Although minors can sign up for and use Google+, the social network also introduced new privacy and security changes designed to protect underage users

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SEO Chicks Competition – Win a ticket to SES London!


SEO Chicks have launched a competition for the next generation of search marketers. Have you been in SEO less than a year or have a desire to join the industry?

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Measuring ROI: How to Collect Meaningful PPC Conversion Data


Learn how you can track and collect significant conversion data and then bring it all together in one dashboard. Use these three levels of conversion data tracking that vary in terms of pros/cons, costs, effectiveness, and sophistication.

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Online Marketing News: Women Dominate Community Management, Google Privacy, FBI Social, Twitter Censorship, McD Hashtag Gone Wrong


The 2012 Community Manager Report Community Manager is an essential, yet still uncharted territory for many companies that are expanding their presence on the social web.  What should you know about the current state of this position? 67% of Community Managers work for a brand The most popular city for Community Managers is New York 65% of Community Managers are Female Be sure to check out the rest of this report presented by Social Fresh .

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7 Steps to Prepare For the Search Alliance in the UK


After a year’s delay, Microsoft adCenter will start to power the PPC results on Yahoo UK in Q2 of 2012. Discussion of its potential for success aside, here are some useful links and an action plan for preparing UK paid search campaigns.

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7 Steps to Prepare For the Search Alliance in the UK


After a year’s delay, Microsoft adCenter will start to power the PPC results on Yahoo UK in Q2 of 2012. Discussion of its potential for success aside, here are some useful links and an action plan for preparing UK paid search campaigns

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