Archive for August, 2012

Steven Yap of Google: Adjust Your Search Engine Marketing Strategy to Meet Consumer Needs


Your customers are using multiple channels and devices to consume information Until recently search marketing was the channel that many companies thought they had “all figured out”.  As the online marketing industry evolves many are finding it difficult to move into the next phase, which includes cross-channel optimization . I recently attended a presentation from Steven Yap, Head of Emerging Products and Markets at Google where he covered that very topic.  Figuring out how search can help produce wins that really matter, and determining what role search marketing plays in a broader marketing campaign leaves many marketers stumped.  In this article I’ve included some helpful tips from Yap as well as some best practices for cross-channel optimization. Today’s Consumer Consumers used to follow a very predictable path to close making it easy for marketers to create a series of touch points based on where the customer was in the buying cycle.  Today’s consumer however tend to follow a non-linear, and unpredictable path.

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Yahoo’s Mayer Nabs Another Googler, Will More Come Over?


According to Business Insider, Marissa Mayer has convinced at least one more Google employee to come over and work with her at Yahoo.

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Google’s Cutts Say Penguin Is About Links?


The majority of SEOs believe Google’s Penguin update is about links and it is a link based algorithm.

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Improper URLs: It’s Much More than Just a Page Name!


The process of creating a great URL doesn’t start at the end of the URL but at the beginning with the folder structure of the site. It’s important to show a search engine as well as a user the hierarchy and categorization of site content

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36 Books on Digital Marketing


The rapid expansion of both the internet and ecommerce has resulted in some seriously dramatic shifts in terms of business marketing best practices.  If you’re feeling a bit lost in this new world of digital marketing, take a look at any of the following recommended resources to help get you up to speed! Digital Marketing The

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10 Reasons You Need to Attend SMX East – Early Bird Rates Expire Next Week


Internet marketing success means knowing what works, testing what’s new and measuring everything.

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Judge Rejects the Proposed Facebook Lawsuit Settlement


Last year, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Facebook related to the social network’s non-consensual use of users’ inadvertent endorsements. The lawsuit, which specifically targets Sponsored Stories, alleges that Facebook violated California law by publicizing users’ Facebook “likes” without permission and without providing users an option to opt-out.

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6 Types of Retargeting Every Marketer Should Know


When it comes to retargeting, most marketers instantly think of search retargeting.

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Click Distance: A Microsoft Search Patent


A WebmasterWorld thread points to an older Microsoft Patent application named System and method for ranking search results using click distance.

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Essential Paid Search Power Tools


SEM professionals have an expansive variety of tools at their disposal. There are many methods that can help create more diverse and successful PPC campaigns. We examine a variety of supplementary PPC tools, their functions, and their advantages

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