Archive for May, 2013

Yandex: Queries Now Influence Search Results, Suggestions ‘Within Seconds’


Yandex has now rolled out their second-generation personalized search program. In real time, a user’s search session will influence the search results they see and create new suggestions that aim to help them find what interests them right now.

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Blekko Dazzles Search Results Design But Does That Improve Relevancy?


Blekko announced a major redesign yesterday – from their logo color schemes (dark red to light blue) to pretty much everything you see…

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New Bing Integrated Search App Coming With Windows 8.1


New features are coming in Windows 8.1. Once such feature is a new global search, powered by Bing that provides a “view of many content sources (the web, apps, files, SkyDrive, actions you can take) to provide the best ‘answer’ for your query.”

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Bulk Upload Your Ads & Ad Groups To Google AdWords


Google announced on the AdWords blog that they now support bulk uploads for ads and ad groups. This will allow advertisers to download this data…

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Google AdSense Updates Ad Review Center


Google announced even more improvements to the ad review center which launched back in 2007 and has been getting continued improvements over the years…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 30, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, May 30, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Google Search Rolling Out Nutrition Information On More Than 1,000 Foods Building on their Knowledge Graph technology, Google search is rolling out nutrition… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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How Do You Uncover Your Spammy Links?


A WebmasterWorld thread has a webmaster who seems to have been hit by the Penguin 2.0 update.

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Understanding the Eco-system that Builds Positive Reputation Online


Credit: Shutterstock Online Reputation Management is the practice of understanding the sentiments for an individual, brand or business and then addressing contents which are damaging to it on the web. Most of reputation management strategies is focused on reducing the negativity about a brand online. As CxOs, executives and managers of a brand or business Author information Manan Shah Works in SMG Convonix .

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Building a Marketing Flywheel – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by randfish By building up quality content, earning links, and building visitor loyalty on your website, you’ve been adding energy to a flywheel (not the kinetic kind, but a marketing kind). Over time, you can store up so much

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