Archive for January, 2014

Link Network Buzzea Calls Google Penalty ‘Abusive’


It’s been a few weeks since Google’s Matt Cutts publicly announced the demise of the link networks (remember and Anglo Rank?).

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Last Chance for SMX West Early Bird Rates – Register Now!


Search Marketing Expo – SMX West rates increase Saturday, February 1st. Register now and save on all passes! Join us March 11-13 in San Jose for: The latest tactics and strategies: Over 75% of the sessions are new. Check out the agenda.

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Is Driving Traffic to Your Website Driving Customers Away?


The vast majority of digital marketing seems to be focused on creating content and experiences for customers with the ultimate measure of success being increased traffic to the company website, leading to leads and sales. It’s a reasonable approach, since company websites typically provide the kinds of information that explain what a company does, the products or services they sell and some means for collecting inquiries or conducting transactions.

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Building a CRAP SEO Content Strategy


How concepts and connections, relevance and relationships, authority and authenticity, and promotion and prominence (pardon the unfortunate acronym) provide guidelines for a content strategy that will improve website rank-ability and engagement.

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10 Steps to Audit Any Pay Per Click Account by @Rocco_Zebra_Adv


Auditing your PPC account is a necessary step to ensure success, but it doesn’t have to be over whelming. This article focuses on the 10 most important pillars you need to check in order to have a solid PPC account on Google AdWords.

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4 Tips to Effectively Localize Your Search Marketing


With the right structure and analytics in place, local search can help advertisers capitalize on regions where business is strongest, or become a lever that supplements marketing in underperforming regions to increase awareness and improve sales.

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Bing For Schools, Finally?


Matt Wallaert, a Behavioral Scientist at Microsoft but more well known for creating Bing For Schools posted on Twitter something strange. He wrote, “Finally, Bing for Schools

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Global Mobile Advertising Opportunities: Brazil. Russia, India & China


Mobile advertising is on the rise in Russia, India, Brazil, and China, which are all experiencing huge growth in the number of mobile users.

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25 Things You Should Know About Vine by @albertcostill


Image Source: Esther Vargas/Flickr There’s good reason for Vine to celebrate its first birthday. It’s had an incredible amount of growth and hype during its first 12 months of existence

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Live @ SMX West: Best Practices For Mobile SEO


For years, debates raged about what constituted “best practices” when it came to mobile SEO. Early on, the discussion focused on whether it was important to have a separate site optimized for mobile devices. That proved to be a major challenge, as it required detecting and optimizing…

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