Archive for June, 2014

Mobile Calls Are The New Conversions: 7 Tips For SEMs


Are you seeing depressing plateaus, or even declines, in your year-over-year conversion numbers? The fact is that a huge portion of search activity is moving to mobile. Soon, mobile activity will account for over 50% of searches

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The 10 Best Ways to Generate Traffic Without Google


Rather than worry about losing or never having Google organic search traffic, plan for it. You can’t rely on a single traffic source for business

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Robots.txt Celebrates 20 Years Of Blocking Search Engines


Today is the 20th anniversary of the robots.txt directive being available for webmasters to block search engines from crawling their pages. The robots.txt was created by Martijn Koster in 1994 while he was working at Nexor after having issues with crawlers hitting his sites too hard.

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10 Invoice Resources to Bill Your Agency Clients by @albertcostill


If you run a small business, then you understand how important it is to get paid on time. In fact, it’s one of the most important aspects of running a business

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5 Boring Companies With a Fascinating Social Strategy


Some “boring” companies have proved that even the boring can become fascinating when smart people are at the helm. Here are five examples of how unsexy companies take full advantage of social media with great social strategy

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Where Search Fits in the Digital Marketing Mix – 12 Lessons from Lee Odden Keynote at MnSummit


I am one of the last generations that will be able to remember what it’s like to not have technology in school.

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Google I/O SEO Session


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Content Conundrum: The Vanity vs. Performance Dilemma


The rise of vanity metrics often distracts content authors from the true meaning and value of publishing great content. You shouldn’t create content based on vanity metrics. The best content balances firm audience, personal, and business objectives.

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The Seven Essentials of a Reconsideration Request by @neilpatel


A reconsideration request is the final step in the removal of a manual search penalty on your site. If you have received such a penalty, your life will be consumed by trying to remove that penalty until you are successful. Few things matter more to your online business

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Setting Up 4 Key Customer Loyalty Metrics in Google Analytics


Posted by Tom.Capper Customer loyalty is one of the strongest assets a business can have, and one that any can aim to improve. However, improvement requires iteration and testing, and iteration and testing require measurement

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