Archive for June, 2014

SearchCap: Google Begins Right To Be Forgotten Removals, Google Analytics Branded Segregation & PR Newswire Fights Back


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Analytics Now Separates Brand And Non-Brand PPC Traffic Brand and non-brand paid search terms typically perform very differently and most paid search teams… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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PR Newswire Responds To Panda 4.0 By Taking Action Against Spammers by @mattsouthern


When Panda 4.0 was rolled out last month, press release sites were hit particularly hard. PR Newswire lost around 63% of their SEO visibility as a result of Panda 4.0, according to data from SearchMetrics. Today, PR Newswire announced their plans to recover from the Panda 4.0 penalty by taking action against spammers. Their plans include new press release guidelines and deleting low quality content

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Google AdWords Bids May Be Influenced By Your Remarketing Campaigns Now


Google announced on Google+ that Google may now use your remarketing lists as a quality factor for your AdWords ads, which may impact your AdWords Ad bids and CPCs…

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MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference – Special Rates Expire in 2 Weeks!


Search Engine Land parent company, Third Door Media, Inc.

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New Conversion Settings Can be Imported From Google Analytics to AdWords


You can set specific conversion windows for between 7 and 90 days; flexible conversion tracking can be applied to conversions imported from Google Analytics; and editable conversion values allow you to set different values for goals and transactions.

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2 New Google Mobile Search Tests: Larger Titles & Info Cards


Google has made some changes to how they are displaying mobile search results, and if you’re ranking number one for your queries and have sitelinks, your click-through rate from mobile devices on those searches might get significantly higher.

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An #Interview With Dennis Goedegebuure on AirBnB and Internal Linking by @murraynewlands


As part of our coverage from the sold-out Searchmetrics x Search Engine Journal conference in San Francisco on SEO, content marketing, and analytics, I caught up with Dennis Goedegebuure of AirBnB to discuss internal linking. AirBnB is a huge site with tons of user generated content, so how do they deal with internal linking to keep everything structured and organized

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67% of Travel & Hospitality Brands Use Dedicated Mobile Sites


A travel and hospitality industry analysis by The Search Agency finds that of the 100 travel sites studied, 8 percent implemented responsive design, 67 percent served dedicated mobile sites, and 25 percent served desktop versions of the site.

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Bing: How We Pick Your Title Tag


Microsoft Bing published a blog post on how they decide on what title tags to publish in their search results. We covered this in detail most recently via a Google Matt Cutts video on how Google selects a title tag. So let’s go over it with Bing..

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Remarketing Lists For Search Ads Can Now Use Conversion-Based Automated Bid Strategies In AdWords


Now when you enable AdWords conversion-based automated bid strategies in your Remarketing Lists For Search Ads campaigns, the predicted conversion performance of those remarketing lists will influence the bidding. Google announced on its Google+ page that remarketing list performance is now among… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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