Archive for November, 2014

New #MarketingNerds Podcast: Taking Over a Social Media Account with Ashley Ward by @murraynewlands


In this podcast recorded at Pubcon Las Vegas 2014, I had the chance to sit down with Ashley Ward. She digs into what it takes to take over and manage a new social media account.

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On Thanksgiving, The European Parliament Voted To Break Google Into Pieces


Remember we reported that the EU wanted to break up Google…

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How to Find Niche Questions That Can Inspire Your Writing by @seosmarty


As writers and content marketers, we are expected to be a veritable fountain of unending creativity. Every second we are awake we are supposed to be pumping out ideas like they are going out of style. And we might wish that to be true, but fact of the matter is we tend to get more tapped out than anyone

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Online Marketing News: PageRank Is Dead, Google Gets Anti-Ads, Every Tweet Ever


10 Marketing Predictions for 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC] –  There have been many changes in the digital marketing space over 2014, and that has marketers preparing to revise their strategies as we approach 2015. So what is the future of SEO, social media, content marketing, and mobile marketing?  Find out.

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Not Happy With Your YouTube URL? Now You Can Change It by @mattsouthern


When you first joined YouTube it’s possible you picked a URL that isn’t quite in line with what you have built your brand into today.

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The Vote Is In: European Parliament Is In Favor Of Breaking Up Google by @mattsouthern


Earlier this week I reported on a story about European Parliament wanting to break up, or “unbundle”, Google search from the rest of its services. The vote was held today and EU Parliament voted in favor of the motion to break up Google, with 384 legislators for the motion, 174 against, and 56 abstaining from voting. Even though the motion was passed, EU Parliament does not have the power to actually put it into effect, that’s up to the European Commission.

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Oh No They Didn’t: European Parliament Calls For Break Up Of Google


Today many Americans are busy preparing Thanksgiving meals or getting ready to travel to the homes of friends and family to celebrate the holiday. But Google certainly won’t be giving thanks for the European Parliament’s vote in favor of a resolution to “unbundle”…

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Thanksgiving Day Logos From Google & Others


Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! Google has a fun animated Doodle for the day, Bing goes wild with a chipmunk going at an eggcorn, Dogpile has a Thanksgiving feast…

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Inside The World Of Marketing Agencies: Interviews With Three Experts by @johnrampton


A big thanks to our Pubcon 2014 sponsor, LinkResearchTools, your off-page SEO toolkit. Link Detox: Recover – Protect – Build

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Thanksgiving Day Google Logo Serves Up An Animated Turkey For The Holiday


To celebrate today’s holiday, Google’s homepage includes an animated Thanksgiving Day turkey with sharing icons to post the bouncing turkey on your social pages. Along with the illustrated bird, is a link answering the question “What is tryptophan?” to clarify why it’s..

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