Archive for November, 2014

Looking Back At The Top 13 PPC Marketing Articles Of 2014 (So Far)


Yes, it’s that time of year again already. You haven’t even sat down for Thanksgiving dinner with friends or family, and already everybody is clamoring to compile their “Best [insert topic here] Articles of 2014″ lists. Well, this round-up of 2014’s best paid search articles…

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Google’s Cache Date Over A Month Old Now…


There are several complaints in various forums, including WebmasterWorld, Google Webmaster Help and Twitter. In short, the cache date shown by Google, for many sites, shows dates over a month old.

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In Our Shrinking World, Your Business Needs to Expand


Each day your business remains local is a day of missed opportunities. In our global economy, it’s crucial your company extends the reach of its presence across national borders.

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6 Tactics to Streamline Your PPC Reporting and Optimization


These tools will help PPC account managers simplify their monitoring processes, allowing them to streamline their campaign reporting and optimization.

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Press Releases Are Not an SEO Strategy


Press releases are meant for journalists, not consumers, and therefore it’s time that press release syndication be stopped entirely.

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Google Drops Results In European Settlement But Watch The Penguin Drive By…


Google Settles UK “Defamation” Suit, Agreeing To Remove Malicious Links by Greg Sterling sums up the actual settlement pretty well but for those who read this site, I bet you’ll find it ironic that during a live BBC TV news report, the bus drove by outfitted in Penguin gear…

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Google Mobile Shopping Adds More Details, 360 Views & Local Inventory


Google announced they have added new features to the mobile search results around shopping ads to bring more detailed product data in the search interface…

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What New SEOs Don’t Know Unless You Tell Them: A Reminder from Outside the Echo Chamber


Posted by RuthBurrReedy SEO experts spend multiple hours a week reading blogs, social media and forums to stay abreast of the latest search engine developments; we spend even more time testing and measuring tactics to figure out what works best for our sites. When you spend so much of your time thinking, talking and learning about SEO, you can get lost in the echo chamber and take your eyes off the prize of growing your clients’ businesses

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According To Google, Barack Obama Is King Of The United States


Ask Google who is the [King Of United States] and Google will inform you that it is Barack Obama, the current President of the United States.

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