Archive for November, 2014

Google Contributor Lets Users Pay to Remove Ads From Websites


Google is running an ad-free Internet experiment that could challenge its own ad-funded business model.

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Mapping the SEO Agencies and Client Landscape in 2014 by @krnshrm


A few weeks ago, I published the results of a study about the State of SEO Agencies, which was conducted by my company linkbird during the months of August and September. Based on the same study, I hope to shed some light on the type of agencies and the type of clients prevalent in the online marketing services industry

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US Court Gives Google Free Rein Over Search Results Layout


Gigaom reports Google has won a US court case in San Francisco court saying Google has the right to arrange the search results as they see fit. Clearly…

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Google to be ‘Broken Up’ in Europe in Bid to End Search Monopoly


Google could face drastic measures being taken against it in Europe in order for competition online to be “restored”.

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3 Proven Ways To Write Ads That Deliver More Conversions


Now you know you need to change your paid search creative to keep it fresh. Contributor Frederick Vallaeys shares tips from Boost Media’s CEO on the changes that will have a positive impact.

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Thanksgiving Recipes On Bing: Everything To Make The “Perfect” Holiday Dish All In One Place


Still not sure what you’re bringing to Thanksgiving Day dinner?

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How To Be More Effective At Social Media Marketing in 2015: Interviews With Two Experts by @mattsouthern


At Pubcon 2014 in Las Vegas, the SEJ team had the opportunity to catch up with two social media experts: Cynthia Johnson of RankLab, and Dennis Yu of Portage. Cynthia and Dennis share two very unique perspectives on how to be a more effective at social media marketing.

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Google Uncovers Black Friday Shopping Trends [Study]


Black Friday is less than a week away and shoppers are now more prepared than ever, as evidenced by a Google study released today.

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Google Mobile Ranking Signals Still Use Many Desktop Signals


In a Google hangout video, at 18 minutes and 50 seconds in, Google’s John Mueller answered a question around which desktop signals are used for mobile ranking as well…

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Google Settles UK “Defamation” Suit, Agreeing To Remove Malicious Links


Google has long maintained it’s not responsible for third party content in its index. And that’s the law in the US. However increasingly in Europe authorities and individuals are seeking to make Google legally responsible for the content in its search results.

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