Archive for May, 2015

Google Product Listing Ads Come to YouTube Allowing Retailers to Promote Own Products by @mattsouthern


Today Google announced an integration between its product listing ads and YouTube videos in a feature its calling TrueView for shopping. TrueView for shopping allows marketers to take full control over the ads that appear alongside their videos, right down to the product images, details, and calls to action. Whether you’re making a video review of a product, an instructional video on how to use a product, or perhaps a top 10 list of the best items in a product category — you can now show the right ads at the right time, encouraging viewers to click to buy the […] The post Google Product Listing Ads Come to YouTube Allowing Retailers to Promote Own Products by @mattsouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Why Good Unique Content Needs to Die – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by randfish We all know by now that not just any old content is going to help us rank in competitive SERPs. We often hear people talking about how it takes “good, unique content.” That’s the wrong bar

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Google To Implement Googlebomb Fix To Prevent Racist Listings In Google Maps


Crowdsourcing the entire web goes bad with Google Maps, causing many locations to be relevant for slurs and derogatory words. Google promises a fix is on the way. The post Google To Implement Googlebomb Fix To Prevent Racist Listings In Google Maps appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: May 21, 2015


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: Bing App Index, Apple Maps Transit, Google Shopping Ads & Nearby Businesses


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Google Adds “Nearby Business” Mobile Ad Format For Location-Related Searches


Up to four paid business listings will display with direction and click-to-call links. The post Google Adds “Nearby Business” Mobile Ad Format For Location-Related Searches appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Google Diagnosing Algorithmic Penalties In Real Time


We know Google representative can fairly quickly tell if a site is hit by an algorithmic penalty – such as by Penguin or Panda. But when they do it in real time, it is pretty cool…

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Bing Begins Indexing Apps By Content Rather Than Title


Bing has launched plans for a massive index of apps that are searchable by content rather than name or category and urges app developers to update now to get in on the ground floor.

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#SEJThinkTank Recap: Building Business Cases for #SEO with Keith Goode by @dantosz


On Wednesday, May 20th, the SEJThinkthank was joined by Keith Goode, of seoClarity. His presentation, titled Building Business Cases for SEO, was moderated by Loren Baker

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Is There Hope For Your Prospective PPC Client Or Campaign? Giving PPC Tactics Essential Support


Many businesses look to paid search to kick-start their online marketing, but columnist Mona Elesseily notes that you need to have the right elements in place before you can launch a PPC initiative. The post Is There Hope For Your Prospective PPC Client Or Campaign?

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