Archive for May, 2015

Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: May 8, 2015


This week in search I covered the cases of a Google update happening, but Google denied there was a Panda or other update happening…

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Google Drops Another Search Filter: Reading Level


The reading level search filter feature has been removed by Google.

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How To Marry Keywords & Compelling Content: In-Depth & Step By Step


Columnist Tom Demers provides a guide to incorporating valuable SEO keywords into compelling content that will get linked to, get shared, and be able to rank for your target terms. The post How To Marry Keywords & Compelling Content: In-Depth & Step By Step appeared first on Search Engine… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Search In Pics: Google LEGO Room, Super Heroes & Panda On Apple Watch


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more.

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The Evolution of Retargeting: Interview With Meteora’s Nicholas Waken-Paschal by @albertcostill


When you use retargeting, though, there’s one name that comes to mind — AdRoll. But there’s a new player in town

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Google: Here Is Why The Mobile Friendly Algorithm Didn’t Feel That Big


For many, the Google mobile friendly algorithm was a let down. It is fully rolled out but many still don’t see any significant impact, nothing at the scale of Panda or Penguin from the SEO/webmaster point of view. Google’s John Mueller was asked this by a webmaster (I think wearing a bathrobe) this morning at…

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5 Simple Ways to Wrangle Your PPC Budget on Brand-New Accounts


It’s easy for PPC managers to prepare for what might happen when they launch new campaigns if they have historical data on a PPC account; what’s harder is when you’re not sure what to expect.

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New #MarketingNerds Podcast: Social Media Tips for Non-Profits by @dantosz


In this episode of Marketing Nerds, I was joined by Caitlin Rulien, Director of Communications and Development for the nonprofit Squalor to Scholar. The post New #MarketingNerds Podcast: Social Media Tips for Non-Profits by @dantosz appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Online Marketing News: Google+ Gathers Collections, Mobile Beats Desktop, Pinterest Pins New Platform


Turn Leads Into Brand Advocates in 4 Steps [Infographic] – Social media marketing provides many opportunities for lead generation, sale conversion, and creating engaged brand advocates. An new infographic from Bluenose, a customer success platform provider, demystifies lifecycle marketing and shows marketers each step in the journey.  SocialTimes Study: Accurate Location Can Boost Mobile Conversions By More Than 2X –  Mobile ad platform Thinknear’s latest location accuracy report contains a variety of findings about the impact of location accuracy on consumer behavior and ad performance.

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Google Actively Working To Get Better At Language Support For Search Quality


Google’s John Mueller was asked in a Google+ hangout a couple days ago about the sometimes poor handling of Google understanding non-English languages…

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