Yesterday, so this doesn’t seem like an April Fools prank, Google posted in their features updates page for Google My Business that they’ve updated their help document on local rankings.
Yesterday, so this doesn’t seem like an April Fools prank, Google posted in their features updates page for Google My Business that they’ve updated their help document on local rankings.
Google’s Paul Haahr said on Twitter that he thinks the Google Quality Raters use their mobile devices primarily for rating the quality of the search results and Google test results…
Google’s Paul Haahr said on Twitter that he thinks the Google Quality Raters use their mobile devices primarily for rating the quality of the search results and Google test results…
Truth is, I hate April Fools day because it messes with people like me who try to find real news.
Google has updated its document on local ranking signals to include more traditional ranking signals we’ve grown accustomed to in organic search. These include signals such as links, articles, and overall position in web rankings
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google local ranking, Bing ads analytics & more appeared first on Search Engine Land
Only UET will be supported for conversion tracking by the end of June. The post Still hanging onto Bing Ads Campaign Analytics? Time to switch to UET appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Search is the single largest traffic driver to websites, according to SimilarWeb’s Global Search Marketing Report 2016. The findings are based on billions of site visits to a global sample of websites and reflect both mobile and desktop traffic
Search is the single largest traffic driver to websites, according to SimilarWeb’s Global Search Marketing Report 2016. The findings are based on billions of site visits to a global sample of websites and reflect both mobile and desktop traffic