Archive for July, 2016

AdWords gains 3 new cross-device attribution reports


Based on AdWords cross-device conversion data, the new reports show device influence through the full conversion path. The post AdWords gains 3 new cross-device attribution reports appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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SearchCap: Google iOS app, Google Search Console export & AdWords characters


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google iOS app, Google Search Console export & AdWords characters appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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Google: Singular & Plural Words Can Be Different Keywords


Here is the basic and obvious post of the day but hey, always good to go back to basics every now and then. One webmaster asked if Google may treat plural and singular words as different keywords and John Mueller of Google said yes, Google can..

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How your old content can help with SEO


Looking to get the most SEO value out of your content marketing efforts? Columnist Tamar Weinberg explains how to breathe new life into your content assets.

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Is Stolen Content Outranking You? Tell Google About It.


If a scraper site, a site that steals your content and posts it almost identically on their own domain with no value add, outranks you, then that is something you might want to tell Google about…

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Google reiterates suggested 33-character limit in ETA headlines to avoid truncation


For those writing headlines for the new expanded text ad, the most coveted letter in the alphabet will be ”i.” The post Google reiterates suggested 33-character limit in ETA headlines to avoid truncation appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Search Marketing Is The Future, Right? by @annaleacrowe


The future of search has me in a constant spin cycle. Do you feel this way? Bing has 133 million monthly searches.

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How to download all of your landing pages from Google Search Console via Analytics Edge — and I mean ALL of them!


Google Search Console provides a wealth of data on landing pages, but unfortunately, that data is limited. Columnist Glenn Gabe shares his method for getting around the 1,000-URL limit using an Excel plugin called Analytics Edge

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Facebook image cheat sheet: maximum photo sizes for your branded page and ads


Our previously published guide to Facebook image sizes is well over two years-old and therefore long overdue for an update, and SO much has happened to the world’s most popular social network ( for now ) since then… Brands and publishers have seen their organic reach repeatedly annihilated due to changes in Facebook’s algorithm to favour friends’ posts only.

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Reddit Will Allow Marketers To Sponsor User Posts by @DannyNMIGoodwin


Sponsored posts are coming to Reddit. Marketers will soon be able to turn content that has been submitted organically by redditors into Promoted User Posts

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