Archive for February, 2011

WANTED: Software Engineers REWARD: $12,000


Posted by randfish In 2010, SEOmoz’s software business grew from 4,000 – 7,000 subscribers and $3.1mm – $5.7mm in revenue (more transparency on details coming soon). Our customers have been loving our products (our web app now supports nearly 30K campaigns) and our data (over 250 companies use our API ), but we’re nowhere near satisfied. (*note: consulting revenue, which ended in 2009, is not included; 2011 revenue is estimated) It’s our belief that growth is limited only by how much we can surprise, delight and reward our customers with software that rocks.

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9 Ways To Start A New Local Business Using Facebook, Twitter, Groupon And Google*


Ever dream of being your own boss? If you’ve got a good idea and are willing to take the plunge into starting your own business, it’s now easier (and cheaper) than ever to get a local business started. Put Up Your Website (

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Google Webmaster Tools Reporting Negative Links?


One of the most popular reports within Google Webmaster Tools is the links to your site report. If SEOs are obsessed with anything, it is links. So when you see things in that report that look out of the norm..

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 21, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Simplifies Site-Specific Bidding on Display Network Google is eliminating managed placement default bids in an effort to simplify bidding on its Display… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 21, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Simplifies Site-Specific Bidding on Display Network


Google is eliminating managed placement default bids in an effort to simplify bidding on its Display Network. Now Display Network advertisers who use managed placements will only have to deal with a regular default bid and a Display Network default bid.

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Hot At Sphinn: Hiring An SEM Consultant, Black Hat E-Commerce SEO & More


“Variety” seems to be the primary keyword when it comes to the hot stories last week on our sister site, Sphinn. A story about Twitter tools was popular among Facebook users and a discussion about defining the “long tail” garnered several comments, but the biggest stories of…

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Google Not Listening To Your Title Tag? You’re Not Alone


A thread at WebmasterWorld has a small uprising with webmasters who are upset that their title tags aren’t showing in Google’s search results.

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Why You Should Pay Attention to Customer Loyalty + Lifetime Value


Consumers don’t always make a purchase within the same day or even the same week that they click on an ad, but that doesn’t mean the ad didn’t drive a sale.

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SES New York To Feature ‘Focus Latino’ Track


According to Carlos Vassallo, CEO of LatinVision Media , “The Census of 2010 results will confirm the U.S.

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