Archive for February, 2011

Microsoft Accuses Google of Profiting from Spam


Most of the world looks at corporations as unfeeling, sometimes mechanical organizations that act in the interests of shareholders and (we hope) the general public. What we don’t expect is that these corporations will start throwing insults and accusations at one another like aggravated adolescents. However, that’s precisely what’s happening

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Poll: Who Looks Worse? Bing For "Cheating" or Google For Telling?


I am sure all of you have heard the news yesterday broken by Danny Sullivan: Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results.

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Microsoft IE Brags About Market Share Loss


It’s hard to say that things are looking “grim” for a browser that still holds more than half the overall market share in the U.S., but Microsoft Internet Explorer tempts me into using the phrase.

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Live Blogging The Google Android 3.0 Event


I’m here at the Googleplex in Moutain View, where any minute, Google plans to update the world on all things Android. We expect news about Android 3.0 — “Honeycomb” — and perhaps Android tablets.

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Google Ditches Groundhog Day But We Got Logos Elsewhere


Today is Groundhog Day and it also is the Chinese New Year and the cartoon character, Vitinho, anniversary.

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Successful SEM Tactics For Marketing Mobile Apps


Got a new mobile app that needs marketing? I wish I could say there’s an app for that, but for in-house search engine marketing managers, marketing a new mobile app involves a lot of the same elbow grease and detailed, tactical campaign work as a search engine marketing campaign. The App’s…

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Social Signals in SEO? Who Cares


When smart people interview search engineers and hear a cryptic explanation about a potentially new ranking signal – or review a Google patent application – it’s interesting news to SEO practitioners like me.

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What Are the Best UK Online Marketing Blogs?


A while back I created a list of SEO blogs and continued to review and add a handful of blogs every week for about 2 years. I use “SEO” somewhat loosely, since most search marketers are adept at a variety of online marketing tactics including social, PPC, email and content. With a trip to London coming up soon and plenty of great online marketing advice being published by UK internet marketing bloggers, what better time than now to offer a BIGLIST update focused on UK marketing blogs?

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Official: Google Confirms Map Reviews Owner Reply Bug


This is not our first time covering the issues with Google Map reviews replies, we covered it twice before. What is the issue…

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