Archive for January, 2012

New Google Privacy Policy Combines User Data From All Google Services


A new unified Google privacy policy is coming in March. The big change: Google clearly states that it will combine information from signed-in users from one product to other Google products in order to show more relevant search results and ads.

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Bing Favoring Regional Sites In Country Specific Versions


WebmasterWorld administrator, engine, feels Bing has upped the weighting of local domains and how well they rank in the localized version of Bing search.

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Google AdWords Rep Too Honest In Forums?


It is rare to see Googlers really speak their minds in a forum post but sometimes they do and you get to appreciate it. A Google AdWords Help thread has one AdWords representative giving a bit too much honest feedback to an advertiser…

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Google Changes Definition Of Average Search Ranking Position


The Google Webmaster Blog and Google Analytics Blog announced they are changing how they define the average position in the search query report in Google Webmaster Tools and search optimization report in Google Analytics. The new definition will take the average of the top ranking of your site for..

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 25, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Revamps Submit Content Page Google has updated their URL submission tool page and redesigned their Submit Your Content page. The old URL which was at..

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Google Revamps Submit Content Page


Google has updated their URL submission tool page and redesigned their Submit Your Content page. The old URL which was at now returns a page not found (404) error. The issue with that is, Google should really use a 301 redirect because it ranks in the top…

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DuckDuckGo Sets New Traffic Record, But Stats Show How Dominant Google, Others Are


DuckDuckGo, the upstart search engine that’s challenged its bigger competitors on privacy issues, has had a couple straight days of record-setting traffic.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: January 25, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Face-off – 4 Ways to De-personalize Google


Posted by Dr. Pete Just over a week ago, Google launched a massive change to search personalization, Search Plus Your World

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