Archive for March, 2012

Google Webmaster Tools Revamps Crawl Errors, But Is It For The Better?


Google has just revamped the crawl errors data available in webmaster tools. Crawl errors are issues Googlebot encountered while crawling your site, so useful stuff! I originally started this article by writing that in most cases, these changes are for the better and in only a few (really… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: March 12, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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The Brand of SEO and the Trend of Inbound Marketing


Posted by randfish The web marketing community, and specifically many folks in the search field have recently been engaging in lots of conversations about the industry's nomenclature . I think these discussions are excellent to have and I'm glad we're openly communicating with one another on the topic. If there's to be a shift or a progression in how online marketers focused on non-paid channels describe themselves and their work, I believe rigorous debate is a great starting point.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, March 12, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Google Easter Eggs


A trio of new Google Easter eggs display the number of results in the number system of the query. Search the terms “binary”, “octal”, or “hexidecimal” to see a few fun tricks in the search results from the crew at Mountain View.

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How to Socialize & Optimize Your Content Marketing: Upcoming #Optimize Speaking Events


In one month my new book Optimize will be available on Barnes & Noble, and many other booksellers on and offline. It’s been one heck of a journey so far and I’m really looking forward to sharing the key concepts and insights from the book with Search Marketing, Public Relations and Content Marketing professionals all over the world in the coming months.

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Bing Takes Clear Stance On Mobile SEO: One URL


Duane Forrester from Microsoft posted on the Bing Search Blog a significant statement on mobile SEO. He said that Bing proposes the “one URL per content item” strategy.

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Yahoo Search Share Sinks, Google, Bing Rise in February 2012


Yahoo’s slice of the U.S. search engine market continued to evaporate in February reaching a new low, according to comScore. Google and Bing both saw gains, with Google nearly matching its highest recorded search share (in December 2010)

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Microsoft’s Photosynth App Goes Worldwide After 6 Million US Downloads


Microsoft’s Photosynth iOS app, which has been available to US users for almost a year, is now available worldwide and includes a couple updates. In its blog post today, Microsoft says the app has passed six million downloads since its US-only launch last April. The app is now in version…

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Placement Matters: Placing Online Ads Above the Fold Increases CTR by 36%


Online advertising is one of the fastest growing segments of advertisement.

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