Archive for April, 2012

SPONSOR MESSAGE: SEO ROI – How Do You Maximize Return of Search Activities?


That’s where Searchmetrics Essentials becomes essential to you. Our fast and easy-to-use search analytics tool provides high-quality data to provide you the unique data advantage you need to stay ahead of your competition and stay up to speed with the ever-evolving Search landscape

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Group: Google Should Halt All Online Dating Ads Until They’re Sure None Are Fronts For Human Trafficking


Google says it’s spending “millions of dollars” to police AdWords ads to ensure they’re not contributing to human trafficking, but the head of a victim’s rights group seems to believe that’s not enough. Asked what he thinks Google should do, Philip J. Cenedella..

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The SEO Breakdown: Bank Information Center Site Audit


As part of a site audit special series, we’re going to review an interesting website, Bank Information Center (BIC). BIC is a non-profit organization that does some very cool things but, like most non-profits, hasn’t updated their website for many years.

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Google: No, We Don’t Use Akismet To Catch Link Spam


There’s speculation going around that Google is using data from the comment spam filter Akismet to penalize web sites.

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SEJ Linkr™ Review


It’s well known that link-building is one of the most important factors in SEO. It’s also well known that it’s not as simple as just building a link

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Google Stops Listing Burberry US Home Page


Dean Rowe, the SEO manager at Burberry’s headquarters, received one of those Big traffic change for top URL notifications in Google Webmaster Tools for the URL.

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Personalized Search, Clients from Hell & How Not To Be An SEO


Linkdex recently announced last month’s winners of their ongoing competition to write SEO film scripts. Here are three animations that take an irreverent look at aspects of our industry; satirizing the real life situations we often find ourselves in.

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Starting Points for Taking your Business International


Internet trading takes place on the World Wide Web, a metaphysical place without borders, so why would you limit your business strategy to domestic customers alone? By putting your business online you are exponentially increasing your potential clientele – so doesn’t it make sense to specifically target these inherently different markets? Perhaps you’ve had your Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google Glasses: Visual Search Embedded


Google announced on Google+ Project Glass, which is basically glasses you wear that replaces your cell phone, your smart phone…

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Lawmakers Question Whether Google Adequately Reviews Ads Potentially Related To Human Trafficking


Lawmakers Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) are concerned that Google is profiting from advertisements placed by sex traffickers, expressing these fears in a joint letter to CEO Larry Page. The missive seeks reassurances of the company’s commitment to ferreting out ads that… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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