Archive for February, 2013

The Google (George) Ferris Wheel Logo


Featured on Google home pages worldwide today is an ultra special Google Doodle not just for Valentine’s Day but also for the 154th birthday of George W.G. Ferris Jr., the inventor of the Ferris Wheel.

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Google Sends Hundreds Of Thousands Of Webmaster Notifications Each Month & 90% Are Black Hat Related


Google’s Matt Cutts shared some new statistics in a recent video about the types of notifications Google sends out via Google Webmaster Tools. Google sends approximately “hundreds of thousands” of messages each month to webmasters. The categories of those messages break down as…

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The Google Movie — “The Internship” — Debuts Its Trailer


There is a new movie coming to theaters on June 7th named The Internship. It is a comedy movie about what it is like to work at Google as an intern played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. The movie is about two older men who know nothing about computers who recently lose their jobs.

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How Leveraging Data Quality In Google Shopping Can Increase Product Sales


I’m sure many of you are aware that Ad Rank in Google AdWords is derived from the price you are willing to pay (bid price) multiplied by relevance (Quality Score), along with other factors.

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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Remove An Ex-Employee’s Rel=”author” Tag


Many content marketers are taking advantage of the benefits associated with setting up Google Authorship through the rel=”author” tag. The adoption of content authorship has given rise to an interesting dilemma that many employers will eventually face: what happens when a content author leaves the company?

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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Remove An Ex-Employee’s Rel=”author” Tag


Many content marketers are taking advantage of the benefits associated with setting up Google Authorship through the rel=”author” tag. The adoption of content authorship has given rise to an interesting dilemma that many employers will eventually face: what happens when a content author leaves the company?

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A Guide to Getting Started With Analytics


Just getting started with analytics and not sure where to start or specifically what the data means? This guide explains analytics for the beginner – with explanations of five core areas, how to get to them, and what to look at while you’re there.

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Make Content Marketing Work: 3 Tips to Activate Your Top Influencers


Creating content you think is useful and relevant isn’t enough to make your content marketing program work.

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Make Content Marketing Work: 3 Tips to Activate Your Top Influencers


Creating content you think is useful and relevant isn’t enough to make your content marketing program work.

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How to Make Love Stay: 6 Ways B2B Marketing Analytics is Like A Relationship


Valentines Day is a holiday that some people look forward to, while others dread it’s very existence.  Let’s face it; no one likes to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Much like personal relationships, business relationships take effort. What are you doing this year to ensure you’re spending time with someone special and keeping your conversion funnel full?

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