Archive for February, 2013

Please Welcome the New Editor of SEJ, John Rampton


I’m excited to introduce John Rampton as the new Managing Editor of Search Engine Journal. John is a great guy with a lot of love for this community

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A Guide To Understanding Big Testing & Massively Parallel Marketing


Last month’s column on Why Big Testing Will Be Bigger Than Big Data — encouraging marketing experimentation on a much broader scale than ever before — was well received. But one question came up several times in the comments: how do you enable many marketers in an organization to run… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google Won’t Let You Search Really Long Queries


Google is aware of an issue with Google search that won’t let searchers query Google Search for really long phrases or paragraphs of text. What happens when you try..

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SISTRIX Publishers Their Own Google Updates History Page


SISTRIX, a German-based SEO tools company, launched a Google Updates history page where you can track all the major Google updates in one place. SEOmoz published and maintains a very similar list over here as well

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The Ultimate Guide for Creating and Promoting Squidoo Lenses That Rank


Squidoo isn’t just a Web 2.0 site; it’s an experience. With it’s own terminology, point system, and tremendous authority, it’s an Internet force to be reckoned with. Are you interested in taking advantage of the endless opportunities that Squidoo offers?

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5 Ways to Use Video to Connect With Customers


Your audience loves video. They love to consume it, to share, and to be part of it. Push your video marketing to the max, whether it’s by using it to recognize your audience, provoke a reaction, tell a story, simplify confusing ideas, or entertain

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The Second February Mozscape Index is Live!


Posted by carinoverturf We're continuing the trend of two index releases each month by bringing you the latest Mozscape index release today – only 15 days after our last release on February 12th! The latest Mozsacpe index took about 11 days to process, with a fairly significant portion crawled the beginning of February. The crawl data spans about 38 days, so the oldest crawl data will date back to the beginning of January.

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Creative Link Prospecting: Following a News Story


Breaking news stories leave a trail behind them that can provide a rich stream of quality link prospects. We examine three breaking news stories and explore how to discover prospects by analyzing who wrote about and linked to the stories.

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4 Mistakes You’re Making with Online Marketing Software and How to Fix Them


Marketing software can help companies scale and automate important marketing processes of all kinds, from lead nurturing to data analysis to sales process optimization and beyond. Regardless of the software company behind it, these solutions are typically designed to help companies save time, identify opportunities, and close the gaps internally or externally that keep them from achieving their goals. The goal in most businesses is pretty straightforward: increase revenue and more importantly, profits

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