Archive for February, 2013

Microsoft Sued By Company That Won Patent Lawsuit Against Google In 2012


New York-based Vringo has sued Microsoft over two patents that pertain to the ranking and placement of ads in search results. The patents were originally issued in the early ’90s and owned for a long time by Lycos, which later sold them. The patents in question are 6,314,420 and 6,775,664,..

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Super Bowl Friday Humor


It’s that time of the year again for what is perhaps the most important Sunday for football fans, the Super Bowl.

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A Foolproof Approach To Writing Complex Excel Formulas


There comes a time in a marketer’s life when making pretty charts with a predefined dataset just doesn’t cut it. And finding the sum and average of a column of data just doesn’t satisfy you anymore. Eventually — and it’s really inevitable — you will actually have to dive deep into the data…

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SEO Smackdown Round 2: Old Vs. New Search Engine Optimization


Has SEO really changed? Search engine algoholics might say “Yes!” Experienced practitioners might say, “Not really.” Instead of keywords, site architecture, and link development, maybe we should understand aboutness, information scent, and validation. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Super Bowl Ads: Are They Really Worthwhile?


The cost of everything seems to be on the increase these days, with Superbowl ads being no exception. Sure if you are like me, Superbowl ads are one of the main highlights of the game but with a 30 second spot going for over $4 million dollars, one has to ask themselves is it really worth it? The short answer is “yes for some while no for others.” Author information David Wallace David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank , is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing

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Why Thin Content is Hurting Your Ecommerce Site & How to Fix It


Google’s Panda update has changed the rules. Ecommerce businesses are now forced to think like traditional websites and focus on content.

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Animated Google AdSense Ads


Google is testing a new form of ads where the ads animate and reform themselves as you place your mouse cursor over them. It is a form of animation within the Google AdSense ad formats

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How to Hire & Retain SEO Talent in 2013


Whether you’re doing SEO in an agency environment, in-house, or as a freelancer, your success depends heavily on the talent of your employees, who will create and execute performance-driving SEO campaigns. Here’s how to find and keep them.

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Online Marketing News: More Men Managing Communities, Video in Content Marketing Grows, HMV: How Do We Shut Down the Twitter?


  Community Manager Appreciation Day Infographic Offers Insight to CM Platforms, Roles & Traits Women still hold the majority of Community Manager positions, although men are making gains, accounting for 39% across the U.S.

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Using Google Analytics to Power an Effective Q&A Strategy


Posted by junseth This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community.

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