Archive for August, 2013

Google Issues New Mobile Speed Guidelines, Updates PageSpeed Insights Tool


If you have websites that are getting more mobile traffic, yet are either slow to load or not properly optimized, Google is issuing new guidelines to help you ensure those sites are loading quickly and optimally for those using smartphones.

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Matt Cutts on How to Deal with Harmful Backlinks: Just Do a Disavow


Many webmaster fear low-quality links could hurt their Google traffic and rankings.

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Search In Pics: DooglePlex, Bing Football & Baby Panda


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the Web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s DooglePlex: Source: Google+ Stick ‘Em Up! Baby Panda!… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: August 9, 2013


Very busy week in search, so my video is about eleven and a half minutes long – I apologize but I think I sound good in this video.

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10 Google Analytics Custom Events That Track the Untrackable


Custom events require equal parts strategy and technical know-how, and will unearth troves of user engagement and conversion data.

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Google News Showing Web Site Results For Some Navigational Queries


Google News is now showing the top web search result listing in the news results when the query has navigational intent. For example, if you search Google News for [] at the top of the search results page, you will see a search snippet and link to their web site.

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5 Steps to Implement a Successful Bidding Strategy in Paid Search


When you set up bidding in paid search, it’s important you put a strategy in place prior to implementation. The most relevant questions that need to be addressed when developing this strategy are as follows: How many bidding strategies do I need? What cookie window should I use

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5 Alternatives to Google Glass by @albertcostill


Have you heard about Google’s Project Glass? If you haven’t, then you really need to get with the times

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12 Ways to Optimize Press Releases & Avoid Google Penalties


Google now calls links in press releases “unnatural” and is mandating nofollowing them. Even though Google took away the anchor text links in press releases (and guest posts and articles), there are still press release optimization opportunities.

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What Does Google’s Link Schemes Update Mean for Guest Posting?


Google’s new stance on guest posts tells us what we already know about creating good content.

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