Archive for March, 2014

5 Content Marketing Best Practices Most Businesses Aren’t Doing, but Should! #SMMW14


Image credit: @aaronnak George Carlin famously said, the goal of human beings is to acquire stuff, then to store it somewhere. Unfortunately, many businesses have treated their corporate content the same way, as stuff to be acquired, and used their websites, blogs, and social channels as the places to store it

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IE8 Users Don’t Get Forwarded To Google Secure Search


At the moment, users of IE8, still the most popular version of the Internet Explorer browser worldwide, are being sent to unsecure search on Google.

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Google’s Matt Cutts: Almost All Penalties Are For Quality Violations


The other day, Steve Plunkett asked Matt Cutts of Google, what percentage of penalties/filters are based on violations of Google’s Quality Guidelines versus technology issues or bugs on the webmaster side?

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Tips for Making Great User Content: An #Interview with Jonah Stein by @murraynewlands


Google tells us all the time to “make great content for users,” but according to Jonah Stein from ItsTheROI, that’s an incomplete statement.

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Still Newsjacking For Links? Forget That, Make The News Instead!


We all know that Google frowns upon trying — in any way, shape or form — to get links (they’re serious, guys). Yet, links still play a very large role in determining SERP rankings

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: March 28, 2014


This week, we saw a lot of people talking about ranking changes in Google…

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The Benefits Of Participating In Our Professional Search Community


As a search and internet marketer, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work with our employers and clients, as well as the task of keeping up with the latest developments from search engines, social media platforms and industry tools. Today, I’d like to step back from this and..

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The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords Conversion Types


Which conversion types best suit your business? Google now offers conversion types for nearly every business model, making it easier to attain your goals that much faster

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Webmasters Getting Creative With Their Link Removal Requests & It Works


The new link building is link removal as some would say. Especially with all the craze around links and how they can get you penalized, link removal requests have become a thing all too familiar to anyone who runs a web site. The challenge, like with link building requests, is to get the webmaster..

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Search In Pics: Google Spam Fighting, Venom At The GooglePlex & Sergey Brin Sky Diving Again


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s Brian White Fighting Spam: Source: Twitter Google’s…

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