Archive for June, 2014

Google: Keywords In Domain Aren’t Needed For Ranking Well


Google’s John Mueller posted a response in a Google Webmaster Help thread responding to someone asking if they need their keyword in their domain name.

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Learnings From SMX London: The Impact Of Social On Search


SEOs and Social Marketers speculate on the impact that Social Media marketing has on how well their websites perform in search results. There has been much conjecture with many people interpreting an array of correlations as causation. Both Google’s Matt Cutts and Bing’s Duane Forrester…

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Search In Pics: Google Analytics Bot, Larry & Sergey Aging & Google’s Don’t Be Evil Room


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google Analytics Android Figurine: Source: Google+ Google Analytics Chinese… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Survey Finds Organic Search Delivers The Best ROI For Local Businesses


We at BrightLocal recently conducted a survey that examines the sources of traffic and leads to local businesses.

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Google Updates Documentation & Guidelines On Moving A Site


Google Webmaster Trends Analysts, Pierre Far and Zineb Ait Bahajji, posted on the Google Webmaster blog today that they’ve updated their official guidelines for moving your web site and having Google in mind when doing so. They broke out the process based on two ways of moving your site: (1)…

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Google Updates Documentation & Guidelines On Moving A Site


Google Webmaster Trends Analysts, Pierre Far and Zineb Ait Bahajji, posted on the Google Webmaster blog today that they’ve updated their official guidelines for moving your web site and having Google in mind when doing so. They broke out the process based on two ways of moving your site: (1)…

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After 5 Years In Dispute, Greece Approves Google Maps Street View Images

2014/06/06 reported yesterday that Google Maps has launched street view images in Greece. According to the story, Greece authorities blocked Google Maps Street Views five years ago because of privacy issues

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Ten Timely Tips for Terrific Title Tags


Much may have changed through the years in SEO, however the importance of the title tag can’t be overstressed.

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Content Marketing Isn’t A Good Marketing Strategy After All by @stoneyd


For years we’ve been treated to the mantra, “Content is King!” and if you listen to all the predictions, it seems 2014 is to be the year of content marketing. Odd, considering content has been “king” for so many years already. Yet, as many other online marketing strategies are falling out of fad or losing value, the migration toward content to fill in the gaps continues to increase.

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Online Marketing News – Mobile-Only Madness, Marketers Top Networks, Fark Beats Google+


30 Must Read Blogs About Content Marketing – Catherine Pham’s from InfograpgicB2B brings us 30 of the best blogs covering content marketing, including the TopRank Blog.  These blogs provide tons of valuable insight into content marketing and how it fits into the overall marketing picture. SlideShare Report: 60% Of Social Media Users Vary Their Actions & Connections Vastly Across Social Sites – Looking for proof that you shouldn’t just spray a message out across all social networks verbatim

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